The Media’s Big Lie About the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ and Conservatism

In a New York supermarket, a racist mass shooter shot and killed 10 people, injuring three more. The 180-page hate-filled explanation of the shooter’s motives for the shooting was full of neo-Nazi sentiments. “This is an ethnic replacement. It is cultural substitution. It is a racial replacement. It is White Genocide. The shooter’s theory, generally called the “great replacement theory,”...

Pentagon Shows Declassified Photos & Video, Clip Of Unexplainable Floating Object

The Pentagon presented to Congress the declassified UFO photos as well as video. The footage showed a flying object without any explanation. A small object flew past a military pilot in blurry video. Another video was taken. A photo shows glowing triangles in night sky. Bray presented the images and videos, and stated that the photo of the glowing triangles and the...

200 Dead, as Sri Lanka Literally Runs Out of Gas, Could This Happen Here?

Sri Lanka woke up and is now broke, with enough gasoline to last for “one single day.” Ranil Wickremesinghe, the new President of the Democratic Socialist Republic, said Monday that “the Ministry of Finance” in the Democratic Socialist Republic is having difficulty raising $5 million to import natural gas. People in Sri Lanka have taken to the streets. Of course, on...

California’s Law Requiring Women on Corporate Boards Ruled Unconstitutional

Judge John C. Sullivan of the Los Angeles Superior Court ruled that the law requiring women to sit on corporate boards is unconstitutional. Jerry Brown, the then-governor of California, signed the bill into law in 2018. But it was obvious to most constitutional scholars from the outset that the law didn’t have a prayer of surviving a court test. It...

Draft Of NY Congressional Redistricting Map Absolutely Brutal For Dems

The draft of a new map of the congressional districts for New York seems to be a huge boost to Republicans, compared to the original lines drawn by Democratic legislators. After a January ruling that incorrect gerrymandering had resulted in the initial map being drawn, the Democrats’ plan was scrapped. Redistricting was then done by a court-appointed special judge. “bsolutely brute...

Oregon Education Stocks the Boys Room With Tampons

It may seem strange to teens that men didn’t have access to tampons in America’s restrooms during the 1960s. Walls that contained urinals were once the walls of cottonless wastelands. However, that dark age is likely to end thanks to the Oregon state legislature. The Menstrual Dignity Act was signed by Kate Brown, Democrat Governor of Rhode Island, in...