POLL: 54% of Dems Would Be A-OK With Biden Being Jettisoned From Presidential Ticket

Townhall Media

It’s been a tough/week/month/year for Joe Biden as polls increasingly show him losing to Donald Trump in the November presidential election, inflation continues to rage, and he embarrasses himself daily with false stories and incoherent mutterings. It seems that nobody particularly likes him, especially when it comes to his Israel policies as they conduct a war for survival against the terrorist/political group Hamas. Conservatives believe he’s been constantly undermining the Jewish state (which he most certainly has been), while liberals accuse him of supporting the “genocide” of the Palestinian people in Gaza.

I’d feel sorry for him if I didn’t consider him to be arrogant, nasty, mendacious, and possibly the worst president in the history of the United States.

Even Democrats seem to agree, as a stunning 54 percent of Dem voters said in a newly released Rasmussen Reports survey that they’d be just fine if Biden were booted from the ticket and another candidate took over. 

The Rasmussen poll of 1,113 likely voters, which was conducted from May 20th to 22nd, found that 54 percent of Democrats think it is acceptable for another candidate to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee. Just under half of all likely voters, 49 percent, say that they approve of the Democrats swapping Biden out for another candidate, with 43 percent of Republicans agreeing.

I’m guessing that only 43 percent of Republicans agreed, not because they think Biden is doing a bang-up job but because they’re looking forward to watching him get his hat handed to him in November.

Although the majority of respondents were just fine with chucking the befuddled commander-in-chief, they were not united in who should replace him on the ticket. The lack of enthusiasm for the heir apparent, Vice President Kamala Harris, is certainly notable, but failed CA Gov. Gavin Newsom is sure to be licking his wounds as well when he reads these results:

Democrats were also asked whether they thought several different candidates would be better candidates than Biden. Of the respondents, 17 percent said that Vice President Kamala Harris would be a better candidate than Biden while 21 percent and 11 percent said the same about former First Lady Michelle Obama and former candidate Hillary Clinton respectively.
Just eight percent said that California Governor Gavin Newsom would be a better candidate while another five percent pointed to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “None of them” won out with 31 percent. [Bolding mine.]

It seems “none of them” wins the day—and I certainly wouldn’t argue against that. 

Polls are just that, polls—and they’re often wrong. That being said, one can’t help but notice that almost every single survey available is showing the same thing, namely that Biden’s support is literally collapsing in front of our eyes. 

It couldn’t happen to a more deserving fellow.


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