Poll: Kevin McCarthy’s Approval Rating Surges After First Week as House Speaker 

Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) approval rating has surged as he finishes his first full week as Speaker of the House, according to the latest Economist/YouGov survey.

Before November’s midterm elections, McCarthy’s approval rating sat at 27 percent among all Americans. Now, 36 percent of Americans approve of McCarthy’s job performance, which matches former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) approval rating in the days leading up to the midterms.

Further, a majority of Republican voters, 59 percent, approve of McCarthy’s job performance compared to just 21 percent who disapprove.

Although it took a historic 15 rounds of voting for McCarthy to secure the Speakership, 42 percent of Republicans think he has done a good job in his first week as House Speaker. Additionally, 44 percent of Republicans are “more optimistic about McCarthy’s potential to be an effective Speaker,” compared to 16 percent who are not optimistic.

McCarthy hit the ground running in his first week as House Speaker.

The Republican-led House voted to strip funding for 87,000 IRS agents as the “very first act of the new Congress.” McCarthy also established a Select Committee on China to address the military, economic and technological challenges posed by China.

McCarthy also created a panel to investigate the weaponization of the federal government.

Economist/YouGov surveyed 1,500 U.S. adult citizens from January 7 to January 10. The survey’s margin of error is ±3 percent.


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