President Biden Declared Fit for Office After Visiting Walter Reed Hospital

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

If you are in need of a good laugh, this story is for you. 

In a comprehensive health evaluation conducted at Walter Reed National Medical Center, President Joe Biden has been declared fit to continue serving as president. The declaration comes weeks after special counsel Robert Hur released the findings of his investigation into the president over suspicions that he mishandled classified documents. 

His report confirmed what most Americans already see: His age and lack of mental acuity is a real issue. This raises a question: Is this doctor’s visit just another piece of propaganda intended to assure the nation that the president is just hunky dory?

After undergoing an annual physical examination, President Joe Biden’s physician determined Wednesday that he was fit for office, though he suffers from seasonal allergies and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).
Biden unexpectedly went to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on Wednesday morning for his annual physical examination that lasted about two hours. The president’s physician Kevin O’Connor concluded that Biden was an “active” 81-year-old and able to execute his duties as president.
“President Biden is a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old male, who remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief,” O’Connor wrote in his summary of Biden’s visit.
Biden’s exams Wednesday included optometry, dentistry, an exam of his feet, ankle and spine, podiatry, physical therapy, neurology, sleep medicine, cardiology, radiology and dermatology.
“The most notable interval history” for Biden’s 2024 examination included the decision to incorporate “Positive Airway Pressure” (PAP) into the president’s sleeping routine, O’Connor wrote. The decision to implement PAP into Biden’s routine comes as he has experienced symptoms with OSA, which O’Connor noted had occurred since 2008.

Of course, the doctors had to admit that Biden’s condition wasn’t 100% pristine. They did admit that Biden has trouble sleeping due to obstructive sleep apnea, a condition he has dealt with since 2008.

With polling numbers showing that the American public is concerned about the president’s age, it makes sense that the White House would plan this unexpected visit. The litany of gaffes and his tendency to wander off the stage like a lost puppy after concluding speeches have shown the nation that there are ample reasons to be worried about Biden’s ability to carry out his duties.

Hur’s report essentially absolved the president for failing to properly handle classified documents because he has serious memory problems. Even though the special counsel did not recommend criminal charges, he did confirm what everyone already knows about Biden.

Why is Biden getting a pass? He’s an “elderly man with a poor memory.”

“We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during out interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” the report states. “Based on our direct interactions with and observations of him, he is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt. It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”
“Mr. Biden’s memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023

This is devastating. Biden cannot even remember when he was vice president or even within the past several years, when his son died. This is pitiful.

Biden’s doctor visit was a predictable one. It is clearly a political move intended to bolster his campaign for reelection by creating the illusion that everything is just fine. Unfortunately for him, it won’t be enough to convince the nation that they don’t see what they can clearly see.



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