Rashida Tlaib Kept Up To $100,000 In Rental Income During Pandemic While Calling For Rent Cancellation


Despite having asked Congress to cancel rent during coronavirus pandemic, Rep. Rashida Taib (D-MI) has not disclosed her financial information.

Tlaib earning anywhere from $15,000.00 to $50,000 in rental income during 2021-2021. This was from a Detroit home Tlaib owns

This is in addition to her 2020 rental income of $15,001-50,000. Her total rental income for the pandemic ranged from $30,000 to $100,000

The Michigan congresswoman received steady rent checks and was active in a progressive Congress movement to end mortgage and rent payments.

Tlaib, along with fellow “Squad” members Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D–NY), and Rep. AyannaPressley(D-MA) cosponsored Rep. Ilhan Omar (D–MN) bill to “institute a nationwide cancellation of rents and home mortgage payments during a coronavirus pandemic.” This was in 2020, at the start of the pandemic.

In March 2021, the “Squad” introduced the bill to end mortgages and rent.

Tlaib, and fellow “Squad” member Pressley, are still collecting rent checks despite their efforts to halt rent payments nationwide.

Pressley and her husband made between $5,000 and $15,000 per monthly in rental income during 2020. Pressley is yet to file her 2021 financial disclosure.


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