Stephanopoulos Repeatedly Tries to Play ‘Gotcha’ – Speaker Mike Johnson Refuses Delivery

    AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

    As sure as the Sun rises in the East, we know that ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos will make every effort to play “Gotcha” with his Republican “This Week” guests, and this Sunday was no exception. 

    Stephanopoulos made a run at House Speaker Mike Johnson with the tried and true: “Will you condemn this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad thing Donald Trump (or Eric Trump) said? Or are you a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad person just like him?!” Johnson, however, refused to play Stephanopoulos’ game. I’m not certain, but I think I saw Stephanopoulos sprout a few extra gray hairs as his frustration mounted during this exchange.


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    In case you’re unable (or unwilling) to watch the clip, here’s how it went down:

    It continues for another two-plus minutes, with Stephanopoulos attempting in vain to trip Johnson up and showing increasing frustration with Johnson’s refusal to take the bait. In a world full of chaos, I suppose it’s nice to know some things never change — and never will. 


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