Supreme Court Rules School District Cannot Discipline Coach For Prayer on the Field


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The US Supreme Court ruled in favor of religious liberty 6-3.

Kennedy vs. Bremerton Schools District is the case. It involves a football coach who was fired because he had been praying on the field. (Supreme Court Seems to Give Victory to Coach Who Prayed at the 50-Yard Line).

The decision was made by Justice Neil Gorsuch.

The First Amendment’s Free Exercise and Free Speech Clauses protect individuals from government reprisal for engaging in religious observances. The Constitution does not permit the government to prohibit such expressions.

To live in a free, diverse Republic, it is essential to respect religious expressions. A government entity tried to penalize an individual for participating in religious observance. It was wrongly viewed as having a duty to suppress religious expressions, even though it permits similar secular speech. This kind of discrimination is not allowed or required by the Constitution. Mr. Kennedy can be granted summary judgment regarding his claims for religious exercise and freedom of speech.

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