‘Trans Woman’ Who Exposed Himself to Children Acquitted for Being Too Fat

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren

A self-proclaimed “trans woman” named Darren Glines was acquitted of three counts of indecent exposure in a woman’s locker room after a judge ruled that he was too fat.

According to The Daily Mail, Glines was found to be so overweight that his genitals were obscured by his massive gut and couldn’t have possibly been seen by the three juveniles reportedly present. The incident, which would have easily passed for parody a few years ago, took place in Xenia, OH.

A judge ruled that a transgender woman could not have indecently exposed her penis in a YMCA female changing room after agreeing with her claim that she’s too fat for it to be visible.

Darren Glines, who now goes by Rachel, was found not guilty of three counts of indecent exposure at the facility in Xenia, Ohio.

Judge David McNamee cleared Glines after agreeing that the size of her belly meant it would be impossible for anyone to see her penis.

Glines, 31, has had several complaints made against her dating back to 2021 – with at least three people complaining that they saw a ‘naked male in the female locker room.’

One of the complaints stated that there were three juveniles present during the incident, with a woman going to the front desk to report the issue.

There are two absolutely stunning precedents being set here. First, if a man is so fat that their genitals can’t be clearly seen, then it’s apparently fine for them to get naked in front of little girls at a YMCA. That’s actually the argument that this ridiculous judge bought.

Further, it is now apparently acceptable for a man to get naked in front of little girls as long as the degenerates at the front desk of an establishment give him permission to enter the woman’s locker room. Does that really sound like a smart standard for society to be setting? Imagine how that policy could be used by abusers, but also understand that it doesn’t even have to be used in that way for these policies to be dangerous. The mere presence of a naked man in front of children is harmful and disgusting.

I’m simply dumbfounded at how insane things have gotten in relation to gender ideology over just the past five years. What’s important to note here, though, is that, unlike some other far-left encroachments on objective normalcy and safety, the majority of Americans are still against this bastardization of reality. A recent tracking poll found that 57 percent of respondents correctly believe that gender is determined by sex at birth and is unmaleable.

Unfortunately, the powers that be are going to die on the hill of forcing naked men into women’s spaces, and this isn’t even the first time this has happened at a YMCA. In mid-2022, an 80-year-old woman was banned from a Washington-based affiliate for protesting the presence of a man in the showers.

In a more recent incident in San Diego, a 17-year-old was confronted by a “trans woman” while exiting the shower, sparking protests. Since YMCA branches are independent and locally owned, it’s hard to say how much the national organization is behind this push, but their silence on the issue says enough.

The battle goes on. The only way this stops is if enough people stand up and say this won’t be allowed. There is no halfway with gender ideology. You either defeat it or it consumes everything.


  1. Disgrace!!!!!!!!!!!! Judge should have convicted on basis of law. Will he judge the next case on length of penis? Erect or flacid? Weight of perp? This judge needs removed.


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