Trump Has Made His Decision on VP Choice, Drops Big Hint About Who It Will Be

    AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

    One of those big questions out there is who is going to be former President Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick. 

    There have been a lot of names speculated on for months. 

    But now, Trump says he’s made his choice while in Philadelphia at the cheesesteak place, Tony and Nick’s. As we reported, Trump gave them a big tip of $500, touted his new plan for “No tax on tips,” and signed the receipt with that written on it. He also gave a wonderful moment to a young supporter, handing him a signed $20 bill and plenty of attention: 


    Trump’s Very Cool Moment With Young Supporter in Philadelphia

    Trump said he had made his decision in his mind but that he hadn’t told anyone yet, so the VP choice doesn’t even know. Trump gave a big hint as to who it would be, saying that the person will be at his debate with Joe Biden later in the week. 

    A couple of days ago, Trump asked an audience in Cleveland about Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), and they were all in favor of him as a running mate: 

    Vance noted on Sunday, however, that he hasn’t been asked yet. Some folks reportedly were asked for documents, including Vance, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) earlier in June, presumably to check them out for the position. 

    As our sister site Townhall explained, according to a source of the NY Post, he’s looking for the guy who can take on the tasks before the election. But he’s also looking to who can do the job after the election. 

    That’s the most important thing — having someone who isn’t just going to do nothing, cackle, and talk about the passage of time. Whoever the choice is, they will need to hit the ground running, to get things back on an even keel after all the damage that Joe Biden has wrought. It has to be someone committed to the cause and not committed to his/her own advancement. And it would be good if it were someone who could pick up the torch and be the presumptive nominee in 2028. Someone who can withstand that assault that is sure to come from the Democrats, no matter who it is. 


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