Trump’s Bronx Rally Proves That Bronx Folks Know Trump Cares, and Biden Doesn’t

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Apparently, the Biden campaign dropped this ad ahead of former President and presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump’s Bronx Rally on Thursday. 

Biden thinks he knows what Trump is, but Blacks and Hispanics in the Bronx know exactly who Biden is. Remember this gem from 2020?

Blacks still gave Biden a pass, which is why we are where we are today. However, in terms of 2024, they are truly giving Biden a hard pass. The Trump campaign has been smart, taking advantage of the ridiculous trial in New York and his increasing support among Black men, to mount a Bronx Rally.

The crowds were YUGE and clearly showed that Blacks, Hispanics, and other New Yorkers were no longer smelling what Biden was shoveling. RedState reported that they even tried to mount a protest. It went as expected.

Contrast that, to this display of excitement, goodwill, and support.

And when you’ve gained an acknowledgment from CNN, well…

The CNN correspondent even debunked AOC’s lie that Trump would bus people into the Bronx to fill the rally. New York and Bronx residents waited for hours to see the former president, and proudly stated where they were from. But this video probably encapsulates why Trump is moving the needle with minority and Jewish communities, and making inroads that could be a gamechanger for the 2024 election.

Two takeaways: these people interviewed and the crowd looks like New York. No pockets of color among a sea of white people, this is legit. The people of the Bronx also articulated why this matters. There is no pretense of caring or shows of bread and circuses to appease the masses. Trump actually showed up and made his presence known. As this attendee said, he came to the “hood, hood,” and he has respect for that.

To bring it full circle: Biden’s clear disdain for Blacks, versus Trump’s showing Blacks matter by meeting them on their turf was noted and not forgotten, proving some did not give Biden a pass in 2020. Here is MSNBC actually interviewing people who mention those comments from 2020 and assert their support for Trump and their intention to vote for him in 2024.

The powers at the Biden campaign and DNC are probably screaming into the void right now. May this meltdown continue through to November.


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