Uh Oh: Nikki Haley Tweets Email She ‘Received’ Praising Her, but People See a Big Problem

AP Photo/Steven Senne

Nikki Haley is far behind former President Donald Trump in the polls and we’re getting closer to the South Carolina primary. She doesn’t want to do badly there because it’s her home state, and losing there could not only end her campaign but even if she stays in the race, it might damage any future hopes she might have for office. 

So Haley seems to be trying to draw in more people, but her latest move may have the opposite effect. She (or someone running her account) posted two messages praising her and a message saying she was “overwhelmed” by the praise. 

“Americans want a choice in this election, not a rerun,” Haley said.  “I’m overwhelmed by all of the kind words! We’ll keep working hard to make you proud.”

But many people noticed a problem with the “email.” Someone appears to have forgotten to hit send and there’s no address in the header and no subject. Not to mention, it says “new message” in the left-hand corner. Whoever sent this out didn’t understand what it was showing. 

That naturally got a lot of comment. 

After the “email” raised questions, people also had thoughts about the other message, that appeared not even written in the lines. Some believed it was a digital font. Here’s one person’s assessment of which font was used in the “handwritten” message.

I think whoever was involved in this post from Haley is not going to fare well when word of this hits everywhere and the embarrassing blowback starts coming in. I am curious as to what the explanation for this will be. But doing shoddy work like this and trying to get away with it is just not a positive sign for the Haley campaign. If they have to put out things like this, things that aren’t likely to help Haley pick up her numbers, it’s on her because it’s from her account. It also says nothing good if she’s cool with such a tactic. 

Haley is behind 30 points in South Carolina in the latest polling, but she thinks all she needs is “momentum.”

“I need to show that I’m building momentum. I need to show that I’m stronger in South Carolina than New Hampshire,” Haley said. “Does that have to be a win? I don’t think that necessarily has to be a win. But it certainly has to be better than what I did in New Hampshire and it certainly has to be close.”

Posts like this aren’t going to do it.  

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this before and when people are saying that, it’s not a good thing for her campaign. I’m just going to guess that former President Donald Trump is going to have a field day with this one. 


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