WATCH: Dem Rep. Jasmine Crockett Goes Nuts During Hearing, Starts Shouting About the ‘White Man’

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

The House of Representatives is becoming more of an insane asylum every day, and Rep. Jasmine Crockett is the perfect example of that. During a hearing on Wednesday, the congresswoman went nuts, screaming about “oppression” and the “white man.” Some might call that racist. Democrats call that normal, as depraved as it is. 

RELATED: Congressional Gadfly Jasmine Crockett Lists Her Credentials, Gets Mocked Into Next Week 

Crockett lost her mind while debating the “Dismantle DEI Act,” which seeks to eliminate DEI initiatives within the federal government. The incoming Trump administration has already identified it as a priority.

CROCKETT: You can then misuse words like oppression. There has been no oppression for the white man in this country. You tell me which white man was dragged out of their homes. You tell me which white man got dragged all the way across an ocean and told that you are gonna go and work, we are gonna steal your wives, we are gonna rape your wives. That didn’t happen. That is oppression. 

Crockett’s argument is a logical fallacy. Oppression is not a ranking system. One can be oppressed while not having suffered slavery (though, plenty of white people have been enslaved throughout history). DEI initiatives do not suddenly become just because someone else was discriminated against in worse ways. It’s also worth noting that Crockett has never been enslaved or anything close to it.

An Asian student who is denied entry into college despite having higher test scores and a better GPA is being oppressed on some level. Crockett’s rant would seek to dismiss that because slavery existed nearly two centuries ago. That’s not only idiotic, it’s morally egregious. Injustice is not a competition.

CROCKETT: We didn’t ask to be here. We aren’t the same migrants that y’all constantly come up against. We didn’t run away from home. We were stolen. So yeah, we are going to sit here and be offended when you are gonna sit here and act like, and don’t let it escape you that it is white men on this side of the aisle telling us, people of color on this side of the aisle, that y’all are the ones being oppressed, that y’all are the ones being harmed. 

There is no “we” here. Victimhood does not transfer through multiple generations, no matter how much Democrats want it. Jasmine Crockett is a privileged politician who has had many advantages in her life that many white people haven’t. She was not “stolen.” She makes nearly $200,000 a year to sound like an imbecile during hearings. Victimhood may be the only currency she knows, but she is not a victim. She is not oppressed. 

It shouldn’t have to be said, but I am not dismissing historic injustices, specifically those perpetrated against African Americans. They occurred and were wrong, but that does not give someone like Crockett the right to appropriate those injustices to spew racism from her position of power. If a representative said the same thing she said but started screaming about “the black man” instead, they’d be censured and booted out of Congress. There should not be a double standard. Every member of the House should be expected to have basic respect for everyone. 

Frankly, I find these arguments over degrees of victimhood to be moronic. Crocket is no more entitled to cite historic injustice as an excuse for behavior than a white man is because his ancestors were butchered in Europe. History is full of terrible people who did terrible things. Nothing is gained when people use that as a reason to perpetuate their own racism in the modern day. On the contrary, it is deeply corrosive to society, only serving to harm everyone involved. Crockett should be ashamed of herself. She won’t be, but she should be.


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