Don’t Believe the Democrats’ Midterms Homestretch Hype


The election that seemed impossible is coming closer to home, as summer is ending. There is more speculation than Britney Spears’ during her self-hairstyling days. The Democrats are feeling more confident lately and the Republicans have greatly tempered the excitement they felt for the majority of the year.

This morning, I feel a little contrarian.

In recent weeks, mainstream media Democrat propagandists have been glowing with optimism about Biden’s presidency being transformed and rescued out of the gutter. Although the fantastical storytelling is not grounded in reality, it never fails to impress the Kool-Aid Kids.

Only recently, the McConnell-friendly wing has gone all Eeyore about the possibility of the Senate being flipped. Regular readers of my blog know that I have been an avid fan of this issue all year.

Another common refrain is that the red wave expected in November has been canceled. In the early part of the summer, polling indicated that Republicans were heading for a victory. However, polling is often flawed, especially when it’s so far away from election day.

There was much weeping and grumbling in GOP Land when the Democrats took the lead on RealClearPolitics’ generic ballot.

We covered the weekend and that bump was brief-lived.

Their lead in the generic ballot wasn’t large and didn’t last very long. The GOP had been erased by Democrats and they managed to take a 0.2-point lead in the generic ballot. The RCP average has moved in favor of Republicans over the past ten days, now leading by 0.4 points.

This is a small statistical advantage and it’s much less than the one held by Republicans earlier in the year. It’s still a 0.6-point swing to the GOP’s advantage in less than two weeks, which suggests that polling’s Dobbs effect has begun to diminish. This suggests that economic issues that had been a benefit to Republicans are now regaining their importance among likely midterm voters. The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago also has remotivated them.

These “economic issues”, which we have already mentioned, are the key to everything.

Between now and election day, the Democrat media hackers will be in full-court press mode to make everything seem like rainbows and puppies and Obama riding on horseback. They will be doing everything they can to convince people that the events are not real.

This is the fetid garbage of Joe Biden’s economy.

There are no quick solutions to the Let’s Go Brandon inflation crisis that the United States is currently in. While the Democratic base might be foolish enough to believe the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce inflation, the rest of us have to still buy groceries.

My co-worker mentioned the Mar-a-Lago raid’s effect on Republican voters. This cannot be ignored. Merrick Garland, the Biden Stasi, and Merrick Garland almost certainly took care of any voter apathy that could have been a problem for GOP. Voters who were willing to wait for this election are likely happy and motivated now.

The FBI may not be only targeting GOP-inclined voters. Combining what we know about the FBI’s 2020 election and Mar-a-Lago, the raid could inspire some independent voters to vote for moderate Democrats.

Democrats can paint all of the pretty pictures that they want to for the next couple of months but none of their efforts will gloss over the enormous damage that President LOLEightyonemillion and the commie cabal running his brain have done to this country.

They know it too.


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