Top House Republican Slams Treasury Department For Refusing To Investigate Hunter


Rep. James Comer (R.KY), lashed out at U.S. Treasury Department because it failed to investigate Hunter Biden and his family’s suspicious foreign finance activities on Saturday.

Comer said that it was unacceptable for Treasury Department to continue covering the Biden family and hiding information about Joe Biden’s financial benefits from family transactions. This was in response to Comer’s formal rejection.

Comer is a ranking member on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and noted that Hunter Biden had been flagged over 150 times by U.S banks for suspicious foreign wire transfers to James Biden and him.

Republican legislators claim that some of these transactions were made in China by entities totaling $165,000.

A Republican lawmaker demanded twice before that Janet Yellen (Treasury Secretary) investigate Hunter Biden and his family members about the flagged transactions.

On Friday, the department responded to the request and called the allegations “preliminary unverified tip-and-lead information about possible violations of law”. ”

Jonathan Davidson, a Treasury Department official wrote the letter to Comer. Comer was also informed by Jonathan Davidson, a Treasury Department official. He stated that the department would respond only to “appropriate requests made by committees of jurisdiction.” This could suggest that the department will not respond to Democrats who don’t agree.

Comer was angry at the department, and accused the Biden administration of changing the rules in order to stop an investigation.

Comer stated that they need more information about these transactions and whether Joe Biden was financially benefited from relatives’ dealings in foreign countries. It is crucial to establish if President Biden was compromised.

He stated, “The American people want answers and Republicans will use the power of their next Congress to get them. ”

Hunter Biden, the son of a Kentucky congressman, has demanded that an investigation be conducted into his financial transactions.

Breitbart News reported Comer asking Edward Prewitt (Hunter Biden’s wealth advisor) to hand over bank records regarding international transactions of the Biden families.

Breitbart News was also told by him that if Republicans take control of the House they will investigate allegations President Joe Biden sold nearly one million barrels U.S. Strategic Pressure gas in China to a Chinese state-owned company with financial ties to Hunter Biden’s private equity firm.


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