Ukraine War Proves Security Council Is ‘Paralyzed by Veto’


Marcelo Ebrard (Mexico’s foreign affairs Minister) represented Mexico at the 77th United Nations General Assembly. He gave a short speech in which he called on the United Nations Security Council to reform after the Council failed in its mission to stop the Russian invasion.

The Minister said that the Security Council had not been able fulfill its mandate as it failed to stop wars, or take the necessary measures to end them, and that it will continue to push for U.N. Security Council reforms that would allow more seats and longer term durations.

Mexico, a permanent member of the Security Council but not a permanent member, has denounced the U.N. as paralyzed due to the veto power held by its permanent members. This allows any one of them to block any resolution, decision, or recommendation regardless of the majority opinion. Russia, a permanent member, used its veto power to block a U.N. Security Council resolution demanding an immediate halt to their invasion of Ukraine.

The other permanent members of the legal body are China, the United States and the United Kingdom.

Ebrard mentioned a Russia-Ukraine Peace proposal by the far-left Mexican President Andres Manual Lopez Obrador. The proposal was presented to the United Nations before the Mexican representative spoke. It “implies establishing a Caucus of Heads of State and Government” that will seek a peaceful resolution to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine via dialogue and negotiation.

Ebrard suggested that the proposed caucus should include U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres and Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister, and Pope Francis.

His speech continued by the Mexican foreign affairs minister calling for nuclear disarmament.

Ebrard ended his speech by reaffirming the importance of the United Nations as a tool for peaceful resolution of disputes. We cannot close the doors to diplomatic negotiations and political dialogue. He stated that the current international tensions cannot be solved by force.

His speech was concluded by the Mexican representative calling on all U.N member states to “work together for peace that we all long for.”


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