Secret Service Sued for Details on Hunter Biden Gun Saga


Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information Act suit this week to obtain answers from Secret Service regarding the Hunter Biden gun shooting in Delaware four years back.

After reports surfaced about President Joe Biden’s son throwing a gun in the trash close to a Delaware high school, in October 2018, by Hallie Biden (his sister-in-law), conservative legal advocacy groups filed their initial FOIA request.

The Secret Service denied any involvement in the incident and Judicial Watch refused to give any records to the agency. Judicial Watch took the matter to federal court this week.

Judicial Watch asked the court for all records regarding the incident to be turned over to the Secret Service, including any communications between Secret Service personnel and outside parties about the “reported purchase, possession, or disposal” of the gun in Delaware in 2018.

Texts taken from an abandoned laptop copy show Hunter berating Hallie. He accused her of ruining him after learning that she had thrown her gun in the rubbish.

Hunter said that Hallie gave the impression that he was an abusive pedophile and had homicidal tendencies. He added that the FBI and police opened an investigation into Hunter. Hunter’s other texts also claimed that the Secret Service intervened in the investigation into the incident. However, the agency denies any involvement.

The text exchange between Hunter Biden and Hallie regarding the incident was found on a backup of Hunter Biden’s iPhone XS that had been password-protected. Konstantinos Dimitrelos (cyber forensics expert) located the password while examining the hard drive.

Hallie, who was in a difficult relationship with Hunter after his brother’s 2015 death, claimed that she found Hunter’s.38-caliber revolver inside his car and that she threw it in the trash near Janssen’s Market, Wilmington, Delaware. Hunter told her to retrieve the revolver, but it was already gone when she spoke up. Police were quickly called.

Politico reported that the Secret Service tried to recover the gun paperwork from a Delaware store after the firearm was lost. According to paperwork, Hunter falsified answered “no” when asked about marijuana use or addiction.

Although lying on a form is a felony offense, the Government Accountability Office reports that such prosecutions are very rare.

Secret Service agents also asked the owner of Biden’s gun shop to turn over any paperwork related to the sale.

StarQuest Shooters & Survival Supply, owned by Ron Palmieri in Delaware, reportedly refused to sign the papers because he was afraid they would conceal Biden’s ownership. According to reports, he turned the papers over to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

A federal judge rejected a similar FOIA suit against ATF last week.

The post Secret Service Sued for Details on Hunter Biden Gun Saga appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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