Joe Biden’s Meme Presidency


Because food prices have risen dramatically, it is becoming increasingly difficult to make a trip to the grocery shop. A subsequent stop at the gas station will not provide any relief. From there, the pain doesn’t stop. You want to fly to see a family member that you don’t usually see every year. It is more expensive. You can book a hotel room to enjoy a weekend escape. It is more expensive. Do you need to purchase new school clothes for your children? The cost is higher.

Joe Biden’s economic reality is unavoidable, and it is clearly pushing for the shift to Republicans as the midterms approach.

The White House is desperately trying to find a message strategy that will bring some relief in these times of turmoil. Unfortunately, Biden’s handlers can’t keep him in check. We previously reported that he was out Saturday, and embodied his most passionate criticisms.

He even created the meme.

The meme presidency of Biden was born. We are far from the lofty proclamations that the current President would return to normalcy. Instead, Biden has become so out of touch that he mimics famous internet mockery without even realizing it. Biden even got the waffle cone type and the color of the ice cream right. The entire space-time continuum could have collapsed if he had worn aviators in this video clip.

While it is true that you may not be able to afford to take your children to Grandma’s for Thanksgiving, Joe Biden says the economy “is strong as hell”. Everything is great. If you don’t agree, you probably are too ignorant to appreciate how wonderful everything is. A president is a happy man with a nice beach house.

Millions of Americans are now having to delay retirement due to the crash of their IRAs and 401ks.

Although I am not yet near retirement age, I can attest to the fact that I have contributed above-average amounts to several retirement accounts since I was 21 years of age. The 25 percent drop in just one year is accurate. This is almost certain to be true for everyone reading this right now. As our brave, not-senile president munches on another scoop of double-chocolate chips ice cream, he will tell you that “the economy is strong as hell”.

This is no longer insulting. It has become cruel. The President of the United States wants to make you suffer. Why? Because he believes your suffering can produce transformative shifts (specifically in the area of energy), which cements his legacy. Biden may get an extra paragraph in history books if you pay more to heat your house and grocery store. This is what it comes down to.

Biden is not empathic. Biden is a selfish, ambitious, old man who surrounds himself with selfish, ambitious people. His presidency is not a return to normalcy or normality. It’s a common meme.


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