Elon Has Fun With Meltdown Over His Hillary Tweet, Teases More Info to Come


After taking on Hillary Clinton, Elon Musk was busy tweeting on Sunday. He lied about the attack by Paul Pelosi on Republicans spreading hate and conspiracies. Then he linked to a story on David DePape who is the suspect in this case. She not only lied about Republicans but she also supported the hatred and conspiracies against President Donald Trump.

Musk replied, “There is a small possibility there might be more than meets the eye.” He deleted the tweet later, probably because it linked to a site with speculation that didn’t have any evidence. Musk’s main point, that there are many questions here that need to be answered, showed that he was not afraid to share things the powers that were unwilling to accept.

Some of these questions were answered by the police, who said that there was no third party involved in the opening of the door and that the suspect wasn’t a friend of Paul Pelosi, contrary to what the dispatcher recorded. There are still some questions: Who let the police in if two men were struggling to use the hammer at the time police entered? What about security? What was the security? What kind of hammer did it belong to? Was the suspect bringing it in, or was Pelosi using it for self-defense purposes? It doesn’t seem like an assassination attempt if the suspect arrived without a weapon. Is the suspect going to hide the body cam/video from us or will we see it? Musk made a valid point.

Musk’s actions caused an outcry from the left, which included the same people who have supported Russia collusion and other anti-Trump lies, without even being aware of the truth.

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Elon demonstrated that he was not bothered by their criticism. Jimmy Kimmel’s attack against him was his perfect response.

This is exactly why Kimmel needs to be criticized for his pomposity, and belief that everyone cares about his thoughts.

While Elon may not agree with all the conservative views, that’s okay. He’s bringing a new life to Twitter, and liberals can’t deal with it. They can’t accept that Twitter has been taken over by the liberals. And Elon is having a lot of fun with all those tears. Elon had this to say about his tweet mocking New York Times link.

He is already seeing how badly they are run and looking into election surveillance.

Musk promised to have more fun with the things he has already discovered after only a few days of being in charge. Musk posted an exchange that indicated he had discovered things that were hidden from him and his court regarding the number of bots present on the site.

One official said that we were “literally doing what Elon accuses us of doing”.

It sounds like Musk has some very hot stuff, and more to come. This is just after a few days.

As he continues to investigate the underbelly of the system, including the data censorship and data banning, imagine what else he will discover. It’s possible that there could be a treasure trove of information about how they suppress information.

It’s time to get out the popcorn! Elon is making Twitter fun again.


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