A Virtue Signaling Ron DeSantis Critic Gets Her Just Deserts After Embarrassing Video Surfaces

AP Photo/Gary McCullough

Last Tuesday, the Union League of Philadelphia awarded Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis with the Union League’s gold medal, which as ABC6 noted was “an honor first bestowed on President Abraham Lincoln back in 1863.”

As you might expect, news that DeSantis would receive the distinguished honor set off Philadelphia’s woke contingent, who promptly staged protests (which included members of the city council, who also voted to express their displeasure over the matter) and engaged in a high level of virtue signaling that would make any hardcore woketivist proud.

Among them was Philadelphia mayoral candidate Helen Gym, one of ten Democrat candidates who hope to win the city’s May 16 primary and then the November 7 general election (the city’s current mayor, Democrat Jim Kenney, can’t run again because of term limits).

Gym took to the Twitter machine the day of the event to condemn The Urban League’s decision, proclaiming that “Philly will always stand against the racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and the bigotry that The Urban League decided to honor today. Hate has no home here,” she wrote, while adding the hashtag “#ByeDeSantis.”

I’m sure that sounded really good to the Philly leftists who were triggered by DeSantis’ mere presence in the so-called “City of Brotherly Love.” But as most people reading this know at this point, Democrats have a penchant for not practicing what they preach, which is exactly what we learned about Helen Gym six days later (watch til the end of the clip):

In response, a clearly embarrassed Gym admitted that she was indeed at the “bigoted” place in question, and apologized. Sort of. Here’s what she wrote in a series of tweets:

Earlier this evening, I made a stop at the annual meeting of an event that I have attended in the past. It was a mistake. I apologize for attending. I have been very clear that I opposed the Union League’s honoring of Ron DeSantis. I have also made clear that the Union League has been problematic long before DeSantis’ appearance. I will continue to uphold the value that Philadelphia has no place for hate. I look forward to talking with Philadelphians about the City we want to build together.

Translation: I’m sorry … that I got caught.

Here are screengrabs just in case Gym deletes them:

All I can say is that if Gym is striving to outdo Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) as America’s worst mayor, as a candidate for mayor she’s already given herself a nice head start.


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