Nevada Poll Shows Some Incredibly Embarrassing Results for Nikki Haley

AP Photo/Steven Senne

The findings of yet another poll suggest that it might be time for former South Carolina Gov. and presidential candidate Nikki Haley to call it a day. With former President Donald Trump holding a decisive lead over Haley, all indications seem to point to his winning the GOP presidential nomination.

Nevada’s primary races and caucuses are quickly approaching, and the poll’s results don’t look too favorable to Haley. It shows that most Nevada voters would rather choose no candidate than support Haley.

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley could lose the Nevada primary to the “none of these candidates” option, according to a new survey, an outcome that would threaten her hopes of defeating former President Donald Trump.
New polling released by Providence, a collaborative effort between Revere Solutions and DecipherAi, showed 59.2% of Nevada Republican primary voters saying they would select “none of these candidates” during the Feb. 6 GOP primary election, compared to 40.8% who would choose Haley.
The loss to essentially no candidate would damper Haley’s battle to remain in the 2024 primary after Trump won the Iowa caucuses by more than 30 points and the New Hampshire primary by 11 points over Haley.
Unlike the earlier nominating states, Nevada is unique in that it will hold both a primary and caucuses. Trump is participating in the caucuses on Feb. 8, which the state GOP will use to allocate delegates. As the only major candidate running, Trump is expected to win the caucuses and the state’s 26 delegates. Haley chose to run in the Feb. 6 primary, forfeiting the right to appear on the caucus ballot.

Nationally, it’s not looking much better for the former governor. The latest RealClearPolling average shows Trump leading Haley 74.3 percent to 14.46 percent.

Nevertheless, Haley seems determined to hang on at least until the primaries in her home state. However, polling for South Carolina also shows Trump beating Haley with a 30-point lead.

Revere Solutions CEO Woodrow Johnston indicated that Haley’s campaign might be coming to an end after Nevada and South Carolina.

Johnston predicted that a loss in Nevada followed by another in South Carolina could be the death knell for Haley’s campaign.
“I presume that they’re going to try to ignore it and just act like, well, it didn’t matter anyway, and we already ceded Nevada,” he said. “The Trump campaign may use this as an opportunity to say, ‘Hey, you lost to nobody. And now, I’m going to beat you in your own home state.’ So, I think this could be the one-two punch that ends it, that puts, finally, the Nikki Haley campaign to rest.”

predicted earlier that Haley’s campaign would come to an end closer to the South Carolina primaries. At this point, there is no pathway, barring a catastrophic event happening with Trump’s campaign, that would give Haley a chance of winning the Republican nomination. When it comes to the GOP presidential primary, it is pretty clear that the proverbial fat lady has sung.



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