Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Shoots and Scores Against Gavin Newsom’s Latest Red State Rant


Kay Ivey, Alabama Governor, looks just like the grandmother you’ve always wished for. Why is California Governor Gavin Newsom trying to get after her?

Evidently, he is on some sort of high. It’s not clear if he is on a natural, pharmaceutical, chemical, or some combination thereof. This latest screed, as Kevin Kiley (R – CA 03), Assemblyman and Congressional Candidate, rightly states is facepalm-worthy

Out of the blue our Governor has picked a fight with the Governor of Alabama, posting another incoherent rant against “red states.” It’s beyond embarrassing.

— Kevin Kiley (@KevinKileyCA) August 17, 2022

Newsom speaks out about being “misled.” Newsom talks about being “misled” in regard to educational choice. His target? Alabama Governor Ivey’s decision to spend federal money on SuperMax prison facilities instead of education.


Lotta talk about education & “choice” from these GOP governors.

Let’s look at the “choices” they’re making.

When states received new federal money, CA gave 3.5 million kids college savings accounts.

Alabama spent it on two super-sized prisons.

Actions speak louder than words.

— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) August 15, 2022

Let’s discuss Gavin Newsom’s actions towards educational “choice,” shall we?

California parents were asking Newsom to reopen schools in 2020 because their children were experiencing learning loss and socialization problems. Families were also falling into poverty as one parent was not managing their children’s Zoom learning. Newsom’s children were attending private school and receiving in-person learning.

Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Friday that his children are now learning in person under a “phased approach”. Covid-19 has left many schools in the state closed, including almost all of the public schools in Sacramento County.

He was the only person who could choose their child’s education. What about the rest of us? “Let them eat at the French Laundry!” Wait ….

His Hairfulness and his funders from the teacher’s unions decided in 2021 that children could resume in-person learning but only if they were fully vaccinated and masked. Parents and children who protested were treated as political prisoners. They were.

Newsom’s actions scream hypocrisy if you look closely.

California’s education ranking is not something to be proud of, despite Newsom being awarded a token award for educational excellence.

In March 2022, a Scholar study ranked California No. 44 of 50 states were ranked as the best for education. Was there anything else interesting about this study? Alabama ranked No. 1 in graduation rates. California wasn’t in the Top 10.

California schools were also No. 48 in the amount of bullying children experience. This governor sounds like the children are following his lead.

Hair Gel was immediately taken out of the hands of Governor Grandma Ivey. You see, even though Newsom loves to troll these Red State governors with his snarky remarks, the facts are indisputable: No one is leaving these States to go to California.

And yet, Governor, folks are making their choice, leaving California in droves and calling “red states” like Alabama home.

Down here, we’re focused on public safety. And if we’re talking covid relief, we invested billions in our students. Common sense — that’s the Alabama way.

— Governor Kay Ivey (@GovernorKayIvey) August 16, 2022

California Legislative Analyst’s Office has released 2020 IRS data that shows that 260,000 taxpayers have fled the state. This is even more important because it applies to all income brackets. It begs the question: What will 2021 look like? All this talk about “California liberty” and begging for businesses to return doesn’t seem like it is working. These actions, in fact, are shining an unfiltered spotlight on a governor who does everything for himself and his aspirations and absolutely nothing for the citizens of the state for which he is responsible.

Newsom believes he will be the president, but nobody is going to vote for him. As Governor Grandma stated, at least nobody has common sense. California has a lot more common-sense people than it does. It’s why we’re where we are, for those who stay.

Recall Gascon’s failure to qualify for November 2022’s ballot means that California’s crime is growing, particularly since Newsom supports releasing criminals instead of convicting and locking them up.

Los Angeles County might prefer to have more people in prison and more facilities for them, rather than having more criminals on the streets.

Equity in action. California values. Thieves steal thousands of $’s of liquor from a supermarket and walk right out with zero repercussions celebrating DA George Gascon’s recall not qualifying for the ballot. @jackfrootnews

— STREET PEOPLE OF LOS ANGELES (@streetpeopleLA) August 17, 2022

Governor Newsom, your actions speak louder than your words.

We look forward to seeing you.

The post Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey Shoots and Scores Against Gavin Newsom’s Latest Red State Rant appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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