AOC Slams Congress As Corrupt, Whines Of Decay & Moral Emptiness


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), slammed Congress on Saturday for being corrupted and full of moral emptiness after failing to pass radical policies that would fundamentally change the nation.

After Congress failed to pass socialistic policy last year, Ocasio Cortez said that “it’s just really crazy to be a person who works in a corrupt organization.”

Ocasio Cortez stated, clearly referring both to the Republican and Democrat Parties.

Ocasio Cortez’s whining is a result of the failure of the radical left to convince the Senate that it would pass expensive and radical policies to transform the American economy into an socialist state. Although many Democrats supported the plan, which was called “Build Back Better”, the Senate and House of Representatives voted against it. According to Senator Joe Manchin (D.WV), the policies would have led to an increase in inflation of 40 years.

Manchin was criticised by the left because he failed to transform the nation into the socialist utopia that radical Democrats had imagined when Biden took office.

Since gaining control of the House and Senate, Democrats have not achieved much because the radical left failed to implement its radical ideas. The nation has actually suffered under Democrats’ control. After the devastating withdrawal from Afghanistan, the southern border of the country is being attacked, gas prices have increased more than twice, inflation has reached a record 40-year high, and America is now involved in the Ukrainian war, sending weapons and billions to Ukraine.

Many Democrats want to blame others for their failures. Voters will decide in November who is responsible for the crisis facing the nation.


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