Biden Says High Gas Prices Will Continue as Long as It Takes to Preserve the Liberal World Order


Next month, Old Joe Biden will travel to Saudi Arabia to appeal to the leaders of the state that he once called “a paean” for lower gas prices. However, he denied that that was the purpose of his trip. And whether that is, you can’t expect any relief at your pump anytime soon. On Thursday, Biden stated that high gas prices would “as much as it takes” in order to defeat Putin, whom he continues to implausibly blame for them.

Biden was asked at the NATO summit in Madrid if he thought it fair to ask American drivers and other drivers around the globe to pay the premium for war. Despite the fact that 64% of Americans believe it is Biden who is responsible for the skyrocketing price, Biden insists that it is all due to Vlad the Inflation. Biden replied, “Russia cannot defeat Ukraine and move on from Ukraine for as long as it takes.”

This is a disingenuous answer. Even the New York Times pointed out in June that “even before the invasion, oil prices were rising as the world slowly recovered from the Covid pandemic.”

Here’s the problem. Brian Deese, Biden’s adviser, gave us a glimpse of the situation on Thursday when he answered a question: “Listen, these families can’t afford $4.85 per gallon for months, or years. This is just not sustainable.” It is all about the future order of the liberal world, and we must stand firm.

The liberal world order is not secretive about its desire to eliminate fossil fuels. Biden suggested that the skyrocketing prices of gas were part of a larger plan in May: “And when gas prices are concerned, God will provide for an amazing transition that will make us stronger, and the world less dependent on fossil fuels.

According to the Sacramento Bee’s report, Michael Regan, chief of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), gave the same impression in March when he visited the White House to announce “proposed limits for new buses and large trucks that would curb some of their greenhouse gases emissions by up to 90% in a decade,” “We’re pressing the accelerator to achieve a zero-emissions world sooner than most people think.”

“Accelerating Clean Transportation,” was also attended by Pete Buttigieg, the alleged Transportation Secretary. He stated: “Clean transportation can provide significant cost savings for American citizens as well.” We announced last month a $5 billion investment in a national electric vehicle charging network so that everyone, from rural areas to urban ones, can benefit from the fuel savings associated with driving an EV.

Thursday’s Madrid speech by Biden was semi-cogent (at best) and focused on Putin’s ultimatum for lowering gas prices.

Let me clarify the price. I suggested that we put a limit on how much we would pay — the world would pay for Russian oil. The West provides insurance, but would not insure Russian vessels carrying oil. They would not be able to get insurance, and they would struggle to find customers.

Our point is that we have said to them “Here’s the deal. We’re going allow you to make a profit but not at the exorbitant prices you’re charging now.” It is possible, we believe, and it will drive down oil prices and gasoline prices.

Sure, Joe. It’s time to eat your pudding. And Matlock is already on. Biden’s talk about what he will do to lower gas prices is lied by the statements of his ideologues and himself about using this crisis to push their green agenda. It’s about the future liberal world order and any sacrifice is worth it. Nope.

The post Biden Says High Gas Prices Will Continue as Long as It Takes to Preserve the Liberal World Order appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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