Claudine Gay Hit With a Bevy of New Plagiarism Charges, Harvard Ducks and Covers

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, File

Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay has been hit with a bevy of fresh plagiarism charges according to a new exclusive report

Gay first found herself facing controversy after she refused to say if calls for genocide against Jews violated her school’s code of conduct. The now-former president of the University of Pennsylvania similarly waffled and ended up resigning. Harvard stood by Gay, though, giving her a vote of confidence. 

Shortly after that, multiple examples of plagiarism committed by Gay emerged, but again, Harvard stood by her, putting out a ridiculous response to the scandal. Now, things are going from bad to worse for the once-respected university as six new charges of plagiarism have been leveled.

Harvard University president Claudine Gay was hit with six additional allegations of plagiarism on Monday in a complaint filed with the university, breathing fresh life into a scandal that has embroiled her nascent presidency and pushing the total number of allegations near 50. 
Seven of Gay’s 17 published works have already been impacted by the scandal, but the new charges, which have not been previously reported, extend into an eighth: In a 2001 article, Gay lifts nearly half a page of material verbatim from another scholar, David Canon, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin.  

This latest news means that of Gay’s 17 published works, nearly half of them include examples of blatant plagiarism. As noted above, in one case, she stole almost “half a page of material verbatim from a political science professor from Wisconsin.

When asked for comment, Harvard decided to duck and cover. They didn’t respond, apparently believing that if they just keep ignoring this massive scandal, it’ll all blow over. Perhaps they’re right given the protection that Gay’s intersectionality provides, but they shouldn’t be. 

It is absurd to think that a serial plagiarizer would be allowed to remain at the head of what most consider to the America’s most prestigious university. If Harvard won’t take action willingly, then the alumni of the school, who keep it flush with donations, need to put their foot down. This situation is a total embarrassment not just for Harvard, but for higher education as a whole.

Being intersectional should not save Gay. She should be fired, and just about anyone else who didn’t check the boxes she checks would have been.


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