CNN Goes After Man’s Best Friend


It’s not enough that CNN’s “life but greener” reporters prefer that we do our laundry on a rock by the river and that we stop driving “gas guzzlers” that can hold our entire families. But now they want to take after our pets.

The CNN article “Our pets are part of the climate problem” states that. These tips can help reduce their carbon footprints,” CNN stated that “researchers have shown [sic] that pets play an important role in the climate crisis.”

Normally, I would have missed the story, as I rarely go to CNN for news. But, LifeSiteNews alerted me and I was able to catch it.

CNN seems to want us to stop adopting large dogs and feed our canines bugs.

According to a CNN article, Americans should consider buying smaller breeds of domestic pets and feeding them an insect-based diet to reduce their influence on the climate. This recommendation comes at a time when activists are urging people to allow synthetic meat and bugs in their pet and human diets.

My dogs love to chase houseflies and crawlers in the grass. However, they don’t want a constant diet of bugs. They’d rather eat raw meat and tasty carrots and apples.

Climate worshipers usually back measures that aim to get rid of people — basically, human sacrifice by another name. CNN reports that Max and Bella can remain — until experts change their minds. “…don’t panic. It is not the right thing to say goodbye to your best friends.

They are just so beautiful! Our dogs don’t need to be killed! Do you wonder why Lefty had to warn? If you don’t know what I mean, it is because global warming believers tend to be somewhat suggestive.

LifeSiteNews puts it this way:

Readers were urged to buy “smaller breeds and species” of pets “if they’re trying to minimize their impact on the environment,” since a Chihuahua’s carbon footprint will be smaller than that of a Saint Bernard.

The article also notes that cats are carnivores and should not be restricted in their diet. However, American dog owners are encouraged to swap out their canines’ chicken, turkey, and beef-based kibbles for “new food developments,” such as “lab-grown meat” or “insect-based pet food.”

Moby, my English Mastiff, and Lucy, my whip-smart Border Collie Mix, have both gone to their great rewards. They wouldn’t be caught dead eating bugs.

Researchers in this bug meat study have reduced the happiness and comfort of pets to their carbon footprints.

The significant environmental impacts of meat production warrant special attention. Our pets, both carnivorous and omnivorous, deserve our greatest respect. With an estimated 85.6 million cats and 77.8million dogs, the US is home to the world’s largest pet dog and cat population. Studies have shown that these animals can have significant impacts on wildlife and water quality.

What is the bottom line? Dogs are a problem. We have one message to these climate scolds. Get your hands off the dog.

The study’s author raises a good point about how dogs have been anthropomorphized by humans. We no longer “pound” or rescue “strays”, but we do “rescue” and “adopt” dogs to be with us forever. We disagree on what to do. Global warming experts believe that dogs are meat-eating animals and should be fed a bug diet.

In the US, the number of cats- and dog-owning households is on the rise [8, 9]. There is also an increase in the “humanization” of pet products and animals [22, 23]. There is a tendency to increase the quality and quantity of meat in pet food, which may lead to further increases in pets’ consumption of animal products. This trend is likely to continue, as younger people may be more inclined to buy premium pet food with more appealing cuts of meat [24].

CNN urges us to “adopt responsibly”, which should be obvious, but they are not saying it that way. They report that small rodents and birds can be great choices. “Snakes and turtles and reptiles can also have a low impact for those who are interested.” Chihuahuas are smaller than mastiffs and are less disruptive to the environment.

These studies remind me of the COVID-19 restrictions that were imposed upon our children and their schools, and the psychological damage they caused. These same people now say “whoops! Our bad!” if they say anything. The enviros have basically set the stage for the eventual eviction of the pet. They don’t know what they do.

The post CNN Goes After Man’s Best Friend appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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