Damning Revelations From Archer Transcript: More Meetings, Phone Calls With Joe Blowing up His Claims


Some of the revelations in the Devon Archer transcript are out, and they confirm many of the things that we have reported.

Archer confirmed that the reason that Hunter Biden was brought on board Burisma was so that “people would be intimidated to mess with them….legally” and because of the Biden “brand.” He said, “I think Burisma would have gone out of business if it didn’t have the brand attached to it.”

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) grilled him about that.

“But how would that work?” the Democrat pressed.

“Because people would be intimidated to mess with them,” responded Archer, clarifying “legally” when Goldman asked “in what way” they would be intimidated.

Archer also told the House Oversight Committee that most of the $3.5 million wired in February 2014 by former first lady of Moscow Yelena Baturina — who attended one of those dinners with then-VP Biden and his son — was in turn transferred to a firm co-owned by Archer and Hunter Biden after its initial receipt by an entity that Biden defenders had insisted was solely controlled by Archer.

That, of course, blows a hole through Joe Biden’s claim that he’d never spoken to his son about his business because, in addition to the phone calls, he was also meeting with Hunter’s associates. As we’ve reported, Joe Biden attended at least one dinner with other associates of Hunter as well.

Archer not only confirmed the meeting Joe Biden had with Jonathan Li for coffee that we have reported, but that Hunter had his father speak to Li on the speakerphone as well. Li was the CEO of the Chinese state-backed investment fund BHR Partners which Hunter was involved in.

Archer revealed there were also two dinners at the Café Milano featuring Joe Biden and oligarchs.

Archer testified that unbeknownst to the public, there were actually two dinners at the same DC restaurant featuring the sitting vice president and collections of his son’s Eastern European patrons, with one dinner held in spring 2014, followed by the better-known April 2015 meal.

“I believe the first one was, like, a birthday dinner, and then the second was — I think we were supposed to talk about the World Food Program. So there was some talk about that,” Archer said during questioning.

The first dinner included, in addition to Joe and Hunter Biden, Baturina, Kazakhstani businessman Kenes Rakishev — who wired $142,300 used on a luxury car for Hunter Biden — and former Kazakhstani Prime Minister Karim Massimov, Archer said, noting that he could not recall whether former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov, who left office in 2010, joined.

“[Joe Biden] entered the room and shook everybody’s hand,” Archer recalled.

The White House had acted like they had no knowledge of Joe being at the April dinner, claiming it wasn’t on his schedule. So not only was that an effort to completely deflect from the truth, but there was another dinner he wasn’t admitting as well.

Archer said the second dinner included himself, Vadym Pozharskyi, Hunter, and Joe. While Archer didn’t say it, another attendee confirmed to the NY Post that Baturina and former Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov were in attendance at the dinner. Biden then posed for a picture that we’ve reported on before with the two Kazahstani guests, according to the attendee.

While many Russian oligarchs/officials have been handed stiff sanctions by the Biden administration in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, Baturina has not. Nor has another Russian partner of Hunter’s, Vladimir Yevtushenkov.

Georgetown Law professor Jonathan Turley and Fox News’ Chad Pergram summed up the big takeaway — the big issue that could ultimately sink Joe Biden via impeachment or other legal means — that they wanted Hunter to get the pressure taken off Burisma including from prosecutions, and then it was.

Archer said the “narrative” was that the prosecutor was “under control” by Zlochevsky that was being “spun to me from various folks in DC,” but that wasn’t what was coming from Hunter or Zlochevsky. Indeed, that was the “narrative” we saw being pushed after Biden’s video about firing the prosecutor came out and in the effort to justify what he said.

Oh, and let’s not forget Hunter got a great car out of all this.



  1. Looks like a two tier advisory peer group
    Just like the two tier justice system
    No such thing as equality in the hills of the echelons
    They are so peeerrrrrrfect, eh?
    Karma abound a-coming….
    Many will be eating in the piggy troughs


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