Dan Crenshaw Responds to Tucker Carlson After Eye-Patch McCain Jab


Tucker Carlson is a man who doesn’t care about the people he considers his friends. He has a history of attacking Republicans that whom he doesn’t agree, regardless of whether they agree to be on his show. Carlson made a snide dig at Dan Crenshaw (R.TX), calling him “eyepatch McCain”.

Crenshaw is a vocal supporter of the recent $40 billion Ukraine assistance package. He has criticized those who oppose the bill by suggesting they support Russia. This is the exchange between Crenshaw and Marjorie Taylor Greene, which seemed to kick off all of this.

Yes, I think it is a smart idea to invest in the destruction and defeat of our enemy’s military without losing one American soldier. Crenshaw said, “You should feel the exact same.”

Greene intervened, claiming that Crenshaw is funding a “proxy war” with Russia.

So you think that we are financing a proxy war against Russia? As if Ukrainian lives were worthless, you speak like they should be thrown out. Greene wrote, “Just used and thrown out.” For your proxy war? What does this do for Americans? What does this all mean?

Crenshaw responded, “Still going for that slot on Russia Today, huh?”

This exchange shows that there is a small but significant divide within the Republican Party. A minority of legislators have opposed multiple bills targeting Russia or supporting Ukraine.

Crenshaw and Greene both have been beef eaters in the past so it is not surprising that they would clash again. Carlson did seem to be paying attention to his comments, but so did later Fox News comments with Trey Gowdy, in which Crenshaw dismissed concerns over the shortage of baby formula in relation to the Ukraine bill.

This is The Daily Wire

“Do you know how much baby food formula $40 billion could buy?” Crenshaw stated that none, according to Fox News’ guest host Trey Gowdy (former Republican).

Here’s the video that Carlson made of his insult.

TUCKER: Dan Crenshaw is “Eyepatch McCain”pic.twitter.com/hh979Zm29J

— Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) May 17, 2022

While I agree with Crenshaw’s views, I don’t like the new moniker. It shouldn’t be mockingly funny for a man to give his eye in defense of the country. Carlson thought so four years ago when he vigorously defended Crenshaw during a Saturday Night Live skit that made fun of Crenshaw’s injury.

However, I do understand that politics can’t be a pillow fight and Crenshaw has been quite aggressive in going after people who think the $40 billion Ukraine aid package was a mistake. He even promoted the notion that its opponents support Russia.

Crenshaw is on my side. Although I support Ukraine and have sent some aid, I believe that the $40 billion expense is an ineffective way to deal with the issue due to the excessive top-line and lack of oversight. Chip Roy recently made a viral rant about the process and I can assure you that neither I nor Chip Roy supports Vladimir Putin.

Crenshaw, on the other hand, was asked about Tucker Carlson’s culpability in connection to the Buffalo shooting. He defended Fox News host Tucker Carlson, but also expressed his feelings about him.

Tucker Carlson is a hateful person. I despise him. Crenshaw said that he did not cause the problem. Crenshaw said, “Like I believe he’s grossly flawed.” It doesn’t necessarily mean his rhetoric caused it. This was the result of a truly insane person.”

While Crenshaw is correct about Carlson being not responsible for the mass shooter who called Fox News an Israeli conspiracy, I hope figures on the right will try their best to avoid these types of slap fights. The country is in crisis. The country is currently in crisis. There is a shortage of baby formula, inflation is high, gasoline prices are at $5 per gallon, the stock markets are crashing, and, to Crenshaw’s surprise, Russia continues to invade European countries.

Right now, people are being crushed. It is not the time for people on the right to vent their frustrations about each other. The focus should be on the November election, which will see Republicans win a significant electoral victory. I’m not going to accuse anyone of being Putin supporters or make jokes about a man’s war injury. Although I realize that this conclusion won’t be a happy one for either side, I don’t see any value in these fights. Let it go and move on to the important things.

The post Dan Crenshaw Responds to Tucker Carlson After Eye-Patch McCain Jab appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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