Democrat Asks Ruger Not To Sell Certain Type Of Ammo


Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democratic-IL Representative, asked Sturm, Ruger, & Co. for a pledge not to sell ammunition which pierces body armor. Ruger CEO Christopher Killoy replied that Ruger is not involved with ammunition sales.

Krishnamoorthi and Killoy exchanged words during Wednesday’s hearing by the Committee on Oversight and Reform on “practices and Profits of Gun Manufacturers”.

Krishnamoorthi spent his time questioning witnesses on a range of topics, including safety for police officers. He then asked Marty Daniel, CEO of Daniel Defense, to promise to not sell a weapon which tears through bulletproof vests. Then he moved on to the next witness where Daniel spoke about his company’s commitment towards self-defense.

Krishnamoorthi addressed Killoy and said, “[I] presume you won’t buy a weapon which tears through bulletproof vests.

Killoy replied, “Congressman. With all due respect. The ability to penetrate body armor typically refers to the ammunition, and not the firearm.”

Krishnamoorthi replied, “So, you won’t sell that ammunition, will you?”

Killoy stated, “Congressman,” that we don’t sell ammunition. We sell firearms in many calibers.”


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