Democrat Responses to Abortion Ruling Sure Sound Like a Call for Insurrection


These responses have not been able to dampen the reactions to Dobbs. The Supreme Court decision that rightfully struck down the “right” to abortion, an invented one, has received overwhelming support. On Sunday and Monday, top Democrats gathered at various locations, screaming like lunatics and calling for an insurrection.

As reported previously, Sen. Elizabeth Warren appeared on ABC News to claim that the court is now “illegitimate.”

.@SenWarren: “This court has lost legitimacy. They have burned whatever legitimacy they may still have had after their gun decision, after their voting decision, after their union decision. They just took the last of it and set a torch to it with the Roe v. Wade opinion.”

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 27, 2022

Warren should be asked what she will do about the Supreme Court’s loss in “legitimacy”. These are the same vague statements that have been made for the past year and a quarter to suggest Donald Trump intentionally caused January 6. Are you defending the pillars that make up our government system right or wrong? Warren considers Congress sacred, but the Supreme Court doesn’t. It doesn’t make any difference if Congress certifies an election as invalid or declares that the Supreme Court makes decisions based only on the law.

Democrats don’t respect the institutions of power, as they claim. They seek to make them do what they want. A threat to democracy is not a specific level of risk. It’s simply the fact that they are able to overcome anything.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot went all out to make Warren’s faux-intellectual rants seem worse than they actually were. On Sunday night, she shouted “F*** Clarence Thomas!” to the delight of thousands.

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot takes the stage and proclaims, “F*ck Clarence Thomas.”

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) June 27, 2022

This should be considered normal. She didn’t tell people to “peacefully protest” otherwise she could be accused of inciting an insurrection. Democrats make the rules, so the rules don’t apply to them.

Think about what would happen if Ron DeSantis shouted “F*** Sonia Sotomayor!” on a concert stage. It’s not something he would do, as he isn’t a mentally disturbed, horrible person. But in an alternate universe, there would be weeks of outrage and accusations that DeSantis was trying to cause violence to the Supreme Court.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe continued the madness by declaring that Dobbs’ decision was “violence.”

MSNBC’s @JoeNBC: “More than any Supreme Court decision I’ve ever read … there was a violence to the reasoning. We win, you lose. [It was] done so in such an aggressive manner, with absolutely no grace and absolutely no outreach to their legal or ideological opponents.”

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 27, 2022

When Democrats make statements like this, they know exactly what they’re doing. It is a common trope for the left to call everything they disagree with “violence.” This is intentional. The right to self-defense is protected. Democrats are actively working to reduce public exposure to violent outbursts like those we witnessed in Phoenix and Los Angeles over the weekend. To suggest violence can be retorted by saying that the Supreme Court has committed violence towards women by denying children the federal right to die is to suggest that violence could be repeated.

As I have said, none of these leads to a good spot. This division is dangerous and based on abject lies. Democrats are feeding an alligator that they won’t be able to control.

The post Democrat Responses to Abortion Ruling Sure Sound Like a Call for Insurrection appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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