Did Lightning Caused by Climate Change Really Kill Three People in Washington?


Climate skeptics claim the lightning strike in Washington, D.C. that killed three people was a warning of global warming-related lightning strikes.

Is this possible? Can you determine if one lightning bolt at one spot on the earth was caused due to a warming planet?

Yes. It is possible to suspend belief in reality and deny scientific facts. How likely do you believe lightning strikes will be caused by climate change?

Reuters attempts to prove the impossible. You should not believe that Reuters didn’t warn you to stay out of severe thunderstorms, lest global warming goblins take you.

Washington, D.C.’s humid and hot weather was ready to be turned on Thursday. The temperature was 94F (34 degrees Celsius) which is 5F (3C) higher than the average August 4th temperature of 93F.

Heat can increase atmospheric moisture and promote rapid updraft. These two factors are crucial for charged particles that cause lightning strikes. A 2014 Science study found that lightning strikes could increase by 50% in the United States. A 12% increase in lightning strikes are associated with every 1 C (1.8 F) increase in temperature

This is an interesting lesson in physics. Although more lightning strikes could be proven to be caused by climate change, it is impossible to prove that the strike at Lafayette Square on Thursday night resulted in three deaths.

It’s a fascinating hypothesis that Washington, D.C. could experience excessive heat and humidity due to global warming. Washington’s “climate shift”, which has caused the oppressive heat and humidity of the region, occurred many years ago.

Alaska’s lightning activity has increased 17% since the cooler 1980s. California, which is usually dry, saw 14,000 lightning strikes in August 2020, causing some of the worst wildfires in history.

Evidence suggests lightning strikes in India and Brazil as well as the United States.

Experts believe that lightning strikes are on the rise, but it is still rare for one to strike in the United States. Each year, the Center for Disease Control estimates that there are approximately 40 million lightning bolts. One in a million chances of being struck by lightning are very low.

A survey among readers would be interesting to see who thinks lightning strikes caused deaths or increased lightning strikes.

This could be as close as the number of people who believe in Santa Claus.

The post Did Lightning Caused by Climate Change Really Kill Three People in Washington? appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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