From J6 to John Fetterman, the Mainstream Media Never Rests


On Tuesday morning, the “Morning Joe’ crew spoke with Elise Jordan, MSNBC, about her recent visit to a Pittsburgh focus group. She specifically discussed January 6th. Are we still here? We are. It’s the Left’s most talked-about point. You have to make the most of this drama before the midterms. It’s amazing that there hasn’t been a compelling drama about the event on Netflix. It is probably being pitched somewhere. Maybe I should not have said anything.

You can view the video here, courtesy of the Washington Examiner.

MSNBC did not appear to be censoring the opinions of its focus group members, which is a positive sign. It would be fascinating to see the final product of MSNBC’s focus group. Jordan seemed confused when it became apparent that not everyone in the country had bought the MSM’s propaganda. As you can see, Joe Scarborough was trying to find excuses to discredit and denigrate the panelists. Even claiming that protesters wanted to kill Mike Pence. Scarborough expresses concern at the abandonment of George Bush, Ronald Reagan, and Mitt Romney by Republicans. The Left and its media tyrants hurled at all of them and burned them at the stake as many times as they could during their time. Scarborough dismissed all of the focus group’s comparisons between the J6 riots and other riots that gripped the country. There are more MAGA conspiracy theories. There is only one truth to any story.

Scarborough and his compatriots are really so clueless. Perhaps. You can be so attached to the story and so narcissistic that it is impossible to deal with all the details. It is possible, however, that the media is aware of what it is doing but has chosen to do all it can to win.

You already know what happened if you saw Tuesday’s Fetterman/Oz debate. You can see how terrible it was, regardless of who you voted for. Matt covered both the highs and lows of the event after it was over. Fetterman’s camp blames the closed captioning system it requested, tested, and approved before the event.

Peter Savodnik, a Common Sense writer, did a post-game and pointed out that the media had criticized NBC’s Dasha burns for mentioning Fetterman’s struggles last week. Here’s a sample:

Kara Swisher: “Sorry, but I spoke to @JohnFetterman for over an hour with no aides or stops and it was just absurd.” Perhaps this reporter is bad at small talk.

Rebecca Traister of New York Magazine, who profiled him, said that his “comprehension” is not impaired. She also added, “He understands everything.”

Molly JongFast defended Fetterman, tweeting that the candidate had “understood all I was saying” and was “comfortable.”

=Connie Schultz is a USAToday columnist and the wife to Democratic Senator Sherrod brown. This is more about us journalists than it is about him.

John Hendrickson, Atlantic’s editor, suggested that Fetterman wasn’t the problem, but us. “Part of the culture’s continued stigmatization of disability is due to our deep lack of understanding of the range–and spectrum –of mental and physical challenges.”

What do Morning Joe’s disconnect with Fetterman and the preemptive strikes for Fetterman share in common? It’s not two visions of the country or an earnest desire for democracy to be preserved. It’s not even an inability to grasp reality. Progressive movements are dominated by the media. It is too risky and there are too many careers on the line right now. It is essential to preserve the party line at all costs. The media doesn’t care about you or the country. The media only cares about its own interests.

The post From J6 to John Fetterman, the Mainstream Media Never Rests appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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