Gavin Newsom’s 2024 Chances Could Be Threatened By California’s Energy Grid Struggles


California Democratic Gov. According to experts, Gavin Newsom’s chances of becoming the next president in 2024 could be severely hampered due to California’s ongoing electrical grid crisis.

The California Independent System Operator (CAISO), which is the state’s electric grid operator has warned that the high demand will significantly limit the ability of utility providers to supply electricity to consumers amid the record heat wave. CAISO issued an energy emergency alert 3, its highest alert level on Tuesday evening. Residents should maximize conservation and be prepared for rotating outages. Wednesday night will see a flex alert for eight consecutive days.

California has taken a number of drastic environmental measures over the past decade and into the future as part of its efforts to cut carbon emissions and prevent climate change.

Newsom’s state’s environmental policy has had one major focus since his election in 2019. It has been to replace fossil fuel electricity generation by renewables such as solar panels farms and wind turbines. Newsom’s tenure has seen him push the “green transition” through strict regulations. He has also set ambitious goals, including carbon neutrality for all of California by 2045.

According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), California is the country’s second-largest generator of electricity from renewable sources due to its heavy investment in green energy, particularly solar power. California was the country’s largest solar producer in 2021. More than 27% of its total electricity supply came directly from solar.

The state is now more dependent on solar power and has become vulnerable to rising demand. EIA data revealed that solar panels only produce 10%-35% of the advertised capacity and wind turbines can generate between 25%-50%.

According to the California Energy Commission, the total capacity of state’s natural-gas power plants fell 15% between 2013-2021. Despite the energy crisis, natural gas still produces the majority of state power and outperforms solar supply after sunrise and sunset.

According to the EIA, California imports more electricity from abroad than any other US state. It receives between 20% and 30% of its supplies from outside the country.

Swaim, Whalen and Furchtgott–Roth, as well as Daniel Turner, who is the founder and executive director for energy group Power The Future, criticized Newsom’s insistence on doubling down the policies that created the state’s current grid dynamic. They warned that the crisis could impact Newsom’s chances of winning a federal electoral election.

Newsom insists that he is not planning to run for president. However, he has also purchased ads all over the country and repeatedly attacked Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis, who is an alleged 2024 GOP frontrunner, is running for reelection in California this election.

CNBC reported that he also reached out to donors who helped President Biden’s 2020 campaign.

He pointed out that Newsom wore an open-front sweater in an indoor address to residents requesting them to adjust their thermostats to 78°F during the current crisis.

She said that Californians are now beginning to vote with their feet and leaving the state because of Newsom’s policies. A result of declining population, the state lost a seat in Congress.


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