Hillary Clinton Says Martha’s Vineyard Situation Is Literally Human Trafficking


Hillary Clinton agreed Friday with MSNBC’s assessment of the sending 50 migrants to Martha’s Vineyard as “literally human trafficking”. She also claimed that no one wants “open border”

Clinton joined “Morning Joe” to voice his support for Joe Scarborough’s harsh criticisms of the Republican Florida Governor’s move. This has caused a media storm amid fierce debate about how to handle illegal immigration in the United States. Scarborough called it “human traficking” by DeSantis, and accused him using innocent people to be political pawns.

Clinton stated that no one wants open borders and has no idea how governments and countries work.

Martha’s Vineyard was criticised on Twitter for declaring an “humanitarian emergency” in response to the situation.

Fox News Digital was informed Wednesday by DeSantis’s office that two illegal immigrants were flown to Martha’s Vineyard by the governor in response to Biden’s failures to secure the southern border.

Massachusetts Democrats, including Martha’s Vineyard representatives, condemned DeSantis’ use of illegal immigrants as “political prisoners,” suggesting that the city is struggling with migrants.

However, some liberal media figures such as Jonathan Chait from CBS and Stephen Colbert of CBS’ “The Late Show,” have claimed that the situation has demonstrated the goodwill of progressives.

CNN reported that Martha’s Vineyard residents wanted Clinton to spend some of her summer vacations there, just before Clinton’s 2016 defeat in the presidential election.

On Thursday, President Biden called for Republican governors not to send migrants to Democratic communities and cities. He called such actions “political stunts”, and “un-American.”


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