House Passes Sweeping Gun Control Bill Amid Series Of Mass Shootings


With a vote of 234-193, Friday’s gun control bill was passed by the House of Representatives. This is Congress’s response to rising violence against guns across the country. The Senate approved the bill by a vote 65 to 33.

Following two mass shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas that left many dead and many others injured, 10 Senate Republicans began negotiations to pass legislation.

Despite being opposed by Republicans in Congress (including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and the House Republicans), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell supported it. He said that the bill would “help make these horrific events less likely while fully upholding Second Amendment Rights for law-abiding residents.” ”

Already, President Biden indicated that he would immediately sign the legislation. This legislation encourages states to adopt red flag laws and expand background checks. It also makes it easier for 18- to 21-year-olds to obtain background checks.

Soon-to-be law provides incentives for states that release sealed juvenile records. This could make it more difficult to buy a gun.

The bill also calls to close the “boyfriend loophole”, a demand Democrats have made for many years. If a partner is convicted of abuse, this would stop them from getting weapons.

The bill is the first Congressman to pass gun control legislation in decades. However, it might not have been enough to stop the mass shootings in Texas (and New York) in the past.

Both shooters had 18-years-old and had legally purchased AR-15-style rifles before their attacks.

Payton Gendron, who was charged with killing 10 people in Buffalo as well as injuring three others in an attack motivated by hate, was also accused. In 2021, he was assessed for mental issues.

The incident was not deemed a red alert.

“Where are the red flags that he was legally able to purchase these guns?” “Sheriff John Garcia, Erie County, New York, was reportedly interrogated following the shooting.

The post House Passes Sweeping Gun Control Bill Amid Series Of Mass Shootings appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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