How to Confront China’s Mounting Pacific Threat?


This is a powerful and impressive speech from a US Senator. I stand by my opinion and will not be influenced by any criticisms.

This speech is amazing because it is filled with hope, for America deep in the doldrums now of buyer’s remorse over the dumb, accidental choice of our terrible president. It’s filled with common sense and allows for new ideas.

Is that even possible when the stale politics of both parties today are so profoundly mired in the recurring recriminatory rhetoric of “Yes-you-did-No-I-didn’t-And-anyway-you-did-too”?

Many reasons why these new ideas and hopes won’t be realized. This man’s ideas are likely to have an impact on the public scene far beyond his home state.

Ben Sasse, an ex-law professor at 50 and former president of a university, spoke. He is currently serving his second term as a senator from Nebraska.

Donald Trump has been repeatedly criticized by Senator Ben Sasse. In the second impeachment trial, it was a matter of “conscience”, and the Nebraskan voted with six GOP senators. But, it seems that Nebraskans don’t mind or agree.

Sasse was just below 63% of the 2020 vote. This is four points more than Trump received in a conservative state. This is the state that awarded Willie Mays a record $105,000 contract. A little-known British band, “I Want to Hold Your Hand”, was the No. 1 U.S. single.

Let’s go back to the Reagan Library speech. The text can be read or viewed in the video below.

Sasse’s suggestion that the United States should have created a NATO of the Pacific from self-interest struck me as fascinating. It would be an alliance of like-minded, open societies in order to counter the imminent military threat of Communist China. It isn’t going away just because it’s being ignored.

It is believed the different Asian countries are able to work together to face the enormous economic and military threat posed by Beijing.

China doesn’t wait. China has signed an agreement with the Solomon Islands that provides hundreds of millions in “aid”, as well as future military bases along major Pacific trade routes.

The United States led the establishment of NATO in 1949. It was created from the remains of World War II Europe where Adolf Hitler had selected individual countries to conquer for his Third Reich.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization now has 30 members, having ended their historical neutrality towards Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.

NATO used Article 5 (an attack on one member of a group is an assault upon all) in order to stop the Soviet Union’s expansionist Warsaw Pact. This is how NATO won the Cold War.

Ukraine does not belong to NATO. Vladimir Putin sees Ukraine’s proposal for membership at Russia’s southern border as a threat to his legacy of building greater Russia.

Although Ukraine is outgunned and outmanned, this has stopped Putin from attempting to conquest the country and establish a puppet government. Kyiv’s forces are fighting for its survival.

These have been made stronger by an increase in ammo, heavy weapons, and shared intelligence from NATO member countries who know that members such as Poland or the Baltic States are next on Putin’s list of conquest targets.

Sasse said that it was a long time since the United States had done something big and challenging together. Last night, he spoke to an audience at the Reagan Library.

He said:

Allies are necessary to fight the CCP. The US must be the leader. We need a new alliance that is centered on the Pacific as Chairman Xi seeks greater influence.

Let us arm Taiwan’s military to the teeth. Let us amend the Taiwan Relations Act so that there is no more strategic ambiguity.

Let’s merge military partnerships with economic partners, and end anti-trade policies by both the previous administrations. Competition is good for America.

No one can out-think, outhustle, or out-work Americans. The American order has survived the Cold War.

We can make a new American order in order to end the conflict with the Beijing dictator. He is trying to export the dehumanizing surveillance state autocracy and related technologies.

It is exciting to imagine that the United States could be an international leader to protect America’s security overseas from other countries. This contrasts starkly with Joe Biden’s depressing policy toward China.

It’s not known if Hunter Biden made any investments in China in 2013 when he flew there as the vice-president.

What does this mean for strategic competition?

There’s much more refreshing interest in this Reagan Library speech. I urge you to scan it for yourself with an open mind keyed to the future.

The post How to Confront China’s Mounting Pacific Threat? appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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