‘I Am Not Woke’: Fetterman Continues to Surprise, Blasts Squatters and Violent Crime

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

“Stop Making Sense” is an album and a documentary by the band Talking Heads. It’s also a phrase that comes to mind every time Pennsylvania Sen. John Fetterman (D) opens his mouth these days.

It’s not that I want him to stop making sense, it’s just that I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that this is the same guy who on the campaign trail was barely coherent due to complications from a massive stroke and who came off as someone who would end up on the AOC wing of the party. As if to emphasize that impression, he returned in April, 2023 from a hospital stay for depression and showed up for duty at the Senate wearing workout clothes

But since then, he’s been a remarkable voice of reason on a variety of subjects, from his strong support for Israel to his calling out the corruption of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) to the border crisis.


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During an interview with the New York Post—conducted at a vegan restaurant, of course—Fetterman blasted squatters:

Squatters, those who sneak into people’s vacant homes and refuse to leave, have been in the news a lot lately as the practice has risen and illegal aliens have joined the party.

But it’s not just squatting that ticks off the Pennsylvania senator—it’s crime in general and his fellow Democrats soft approach to the problem. In fact, he opines that soft-on-crime policies helped lead to the tragic murder of NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller.

Fetterman also reiterated his staunch support of Israel during the sit-down.

Now while I’ve been impressed by many of Fetterman’s comments recently, I am not naive enough to believe he’s suddenly on the conservative side or has completely changed his spots. Many Democrats I know express dissatisfaction with the way things are going but then trot off to vote for the very same people who are tearing down the country (this partially explains the Gavin Newsom phenomenon). While Fetterman may have some common sense, he’s still a staunch supporter of President Joe Biden, which tells me he’s still a long way from reality.

Nevertheless, with most congressional Democrats sounding like they recently escaped from the loony bin, it’s nice to hear from one who actually talks common sense once in a while. 


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