John Fetterman’s Campaign Gets a Little Weirder


John Fetterman’s campaign has been one of the most bizarre and immature I have ever seen in national politics. Even the rapping grandma candidate for Utah would be horrified by his constant references to New Jersey and vegetables.

Fetterman lied about his health problems and refused to give more information. He has used a team of social media trolls to create a fake persona that suggests he is a working-class Pennsylvanian. He is from a wealthy family and has lived off his parents up to the age of 49. He doesn’t seem to have had a job for most of his adult life.

That would be odd enough, but there are always more possibilities. Before I start, let me say that I am not sure what the pictures mean. These pictures are up to you to decide how you want them. They were posted by Gisele Fetterman, and I am certain that she wants them to be seen.

The most recent picture shows Gisele Fetterman in a “biceratops” tee shirt as her husband points out the phrase “bi-wife energy”.

If this was just one photo and one shirt, it would be easy to assume that she was supporting gay pride events for others. Three different events with the same message on her body seem more than a gesture of support.

Let me tell you, I know this is going to be a controversial issue, but it’s okay. It is disrespectful for someone to be openly open about their feelings of attraction to another person if they are married. Straight men are attracted to women, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not attracted to them. This doesn’t mean that someone bisexual can’t be in a monogamous marriage. This does not mean that you cannot cross the line regardless of your sexual orientation.

Society calls it creepy and disrespectful when a married straight man publicly displays his attraction to women. This standard should not be altered for sexual preferences.

All that being said, let me reiterate the disclaimer that maybe all this was not meant to convey the message that it seems to. Perhaps Gisele Fetterman simply enjoys bisexual women.

However, the meme campaign that cannot shut up about stupid stuff such as crudites does not mean it is off-limits for people to ask questions about things like this. This is especially true considering Gisele Fetterman, who was called “de facto candidate” by Rolling Stone, has played a major role in the campaign. If she hadn’t pushed herself so far into the election, I would have accepted the claim that she wasn’t worthy of being talked about. This is not the world we live in.


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