Who Is Biden Meeting With? President Has Spent 25% Of Term In Delaware, Visitor Logs Don’t Seem To Exist


When President Joe Biden visits Delaware almost every week, who is he meeting?

Doctors? Ex-President Barack Obama Hunter’s Chinese business partners The ice cream guy?

Nobody knows. Despite the fact that he has spent more than one-fourth of his time there, it seems that the government doesn’t keep Delaware visitor logs.

CNN’s analysis shows that Biden made 55 visits to Delaware. This totals some or all of 174 days, as of Sunday.

The New York Post, for its part, attempted to find the record above of who was meeting with President Obama in The First State. The Secret Service claims that such documentation is not available.

Recently, Secret Service Deputy Director Faron Paramore stated to The Post that after going back and forth in accordance with Freedom of Information Act guidelines Secret Service Director Faron Paramore said that “the agency performed an additional search of program offices relevant for potentially responsive records.”

Paramore also added, “This search also failed to produce any responsive records.”

Rep. James Comer (R.KY), however, stated to the paper that the notion that records were not available was “a bunch of malarkey.”

Comer said, “Americans should know with whom President Biden is having lunch, particularly since we know that he regularly met with Hunter’s business associates while he was vice president.”

We might soon find out. If the GOP wins the midterms, the Kentucky congressman will likely take over the House Oversight Committee — something that seems increasingly likely.

Biden came to the White House claiming a new age in honesty. After all, the ballot included decency. The White House pledged to be open with the media.

In January 2021, Jen Psaki, former White House Press Secretary, stated that there would be times when we disagree and certain days when we disagree about large parts of the briefing. “But we share accurate information with the American people as a common goal.”

Biden isn’t the only one in his administration to keep elements from the public eye.

Fox News reported in August that senior officials at the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC), according to FOIA requests, had avoided writing certain language.

One official, whose identity was not revealed, said to his colleagues that he would suggest a meeting or call with jk soon to discuss the FY22 and FY23 budgets. He emphasized all elements that can’t be put on paper while discussing the budget.

Fox News reported that the subject of the email had the title “updated memo JK on FY23 Budget Settlement.”

“JK” is presumably the name of John Kerry, the failed presidential candidate, and ketchup kingpin. Biden described Kerry as one of his “dearest buddies.”

Perhaps Kerry and Biden are meeting up every weekend to play bridge. The world might never find out.


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