Journalist Who Mocked Cancel Culture Gets Canceled


Dave Weigel is a Washington Post reporter who was caught red-handed after he retweeted a lighthearted joke about women. The tweet said that every girl was bi. It’s just a matter of figuring out if it’s sexual or polar.

Is it offensive? It’s certainly offensive. But, that’s what jokes are. Robby Soave asks, is it any more offensive than the joke about men refusing to go to therapy?

What is the difference between the joke that got Weigel suspended from The Washington Post, “all girls are bisexual or bipolar,” and the extremely popular “men would literally do X instead of going to therapy” joke? Should all the women who retweeted the latter lose their jobs?

— Robby Soave (@robbysoave) June 7, 2022

We documented the outrage from Felicia Sonmez, a Post reporter. She sent a mob after Weigel and demanded that the Post take action. He quickly deleted his retweet, and she offered a pointed apology. But, she continued to target him for many more days.

The Post has now suspended him. This is even more remarkable because Weigel was a man on the left who had mocked cancel culture in the past.

Shot, chaser

(This is why I don’t feel bad for him)

— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) June 7, 2022

These new rules are a bit of a stink, don’t you think? It’s poetic to see someone who has pushed them being made to follow them. Although I don’t have anything to do with Weigel, I find him quite mild among left-wingers. However, the alligator may need to eat its handlers to keep this under control. Conservatives should allow this to happen in order to learn from the lessons.

Conservatives need to normalize not defending leftwing journalists who are forced to play by their own rules.

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) June 7, 2022

As I mentioned in my first write-up about the situation, Weigel’s weakness is that you can’t bow to the mob. It won’t be enough and no one is ever interconnected enough (well, almost) to escape the mob’s wrath. Because the tenets and principles of woke-ism overlap so much that you will always be in violation of some new rule, no matter how much penance or penance you pay. Weigel made a mistake by apologizing. This is not because it’s wrong to apologize, but because there is a moral imperative to not feed into bad-faith actors who seek to destroy other people.

Sonmez is not content with the scalp she took and is moving on to her next target. Another Post writer stepped in to defend Weigel and is about to discover just how far management will go to appease far-left figures within the newsroom.

It’s hard for me to understand why the Washington Post hasn’t done anything about these tweets, in which one of its employees mischaracterizes his own actions and accuses a colleague of “clout chasing and bullying” for publicly objecting to sexism.

Is this who we are?

— Felicia Sonmez (@feliciasonmez) June 7, 2022

Did you see that? This woman, who brutally bullied a man over an innocent joke, eventually getting him suspended, and putting his career in danger, now demands an apology from another man who dares to question her attacks. Worse, she wants Jose A. Del Real to be disciplined by Post just like Weigel.

Sonmez and others like him are consuming the unearned power that cowardly editors have given them. This is the path the Post would like to take, and they can do so, but it will eventually lead to their demise. They should continue doing what they’re doing.

The post Journalist Who Mocked Cancel Culture Gets Canceled appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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