Keith Ellison Shows Us Who Dems Really Are Again in Vicious Attack Against Clarence Thomas

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, File)

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is, of course, no stranger to the types of vile attacks black conservatives are routinely subjected to from their supposed intellectual betters on the left, with one of the more infamous ones coming to mind being how Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) called Thomas an “Uncle Tom” in 2014.

There was also Georgia state Sen. Emanuel Jones (D) giving a speech back in February in which he also used the racially-charged term to describe Thomas, a Georgia native, during a debate on erecting a statue of him at the state Capitol.

“I’m just trying to tell you what we have in the African American community when we talk about a person of color that goes back historically to the days of slavery and that person betraying his own community,” Jones said at the time.

Five months later, Thomas is again on the receiving end of race-based smears coming from the so-called “tolerant left,” this time from alleged serial domestic abuser and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, who during a recent interview with the Michigan Chronicle called for Thomas’ impeachment in the aftermath of the affirmative action ruling, and also equated Thomas to the “Stephen” character from the 2012 movie “Django Unchained“:

“Anybody who’s watched the movie Django — just watch Stephen and you see Clarence Thomas. Clarence Thomas has decided that his best personal interest is siding with the powerful and the special interests regardless as to who they’re going to hurt. He’s like ‘I’m looking out for me, and I don’t care nothing about you. But I’m on the Supreme Court so it’s my job to look out for you.’

So he’s abdicating his responsibility. He has abdicated it a long time ago. When he got in office, he was this way, he’s this way now, maybe he’s worse now. So Clarence Thomas needs to be impeached. Clarence Thomas is illegitimate and has no basis in the job that he’s in. And it’s a lesson to us as African-Americans.

What is the lesson? Well, we all thought ‘Well, he’s a black man raised in the deep South. He knows what racism, segregation is. He knows what affirmative action is. He’s gonna come around one day.’ Understand that it’s not a matter of pigment. It’s not what’s on your skin, it’s what’s in your mind.”

In other words, in Ellison’s view Thomas is the ultimate traitor to his race because he not only supposedly doesn’t “act” like a black man is in Ellison’s opinion supposed to act but he thinks like a (racist) white man who is looking out only for himself.


Strangely, CBS News Minnesota left Ellison’s comparison of Thomas to the house slave character in “Django” out of their story on the interview for some reason.

Every time I read about these types of vicious attacks on Thomas, especially coming from prominent Democrats like Ellison, I think back to Thomas’ life story and wonder if it would matter to them if they knew it, too. And then I think to myself, no, they wouldn’t care, because it’s all about narratives with woke Democrats and making the people who support them feel like perpetual victims who can’t get ahead in this world unless they vote for Democrats:

Justice Clarence Thomas has lived a uniquely American life. Born on June 23, 1948, in the small coastal community of Pin Point, Georgia—a community founded by freed slaves after the Civil War—Thomas grew up in the segregated South of the Jim Crow era. Thomas’ father deserted his family when Thomas was very young. When Thomas was seven, his mother sent Clarence and his younger brother Myers to live in the home of his maternal grandparents, Myers and Christine Anderson, in Savannah. His grandfather’s influence on Thomas was so profound that he called him “Daddy” and titled his 2007 memoir My Grandfather’s Son. In his memoir, Justice Thomas wrote of his grandfather: “He was the one hero in my life. What I am is what he made me.”

Thomas attended St. Benedict the Moor Grammar School, a segregated Catholic school in Savannah run by the Missionary Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. These Irish nuns, and especially Sister Mary Virgilius, also had an indelible impact on his life. Thomas did not attend an integrated school until he entered St. John Vianney Minor Seminary in the tenth grade. He later attended The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts and Yale Law School.

He got his law degree in 1974 and the rest, as they say, is history.


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