Liz Cheney’s Latest Grift Targets Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley


Sometimes, you see a brazen grift and all you can do to help is respect the hustle. This is Liz Cheney. Yes, she is a crazy person who plays out a petty feud at the expense of the nation and ignores many issues that affect everyday Americans in her quest to get the orange man. Her transition from electoral defeat into scamming donors was seamless, however.

It almost seems like she has been practicing being a Washington swamp creature for a long time. She is so familiar with the Beltway cocktail circuit that it comes as a natural instinct. This woman had her campaign website rerouted and redirected to a donation page for her new scam PAC before she lost.

Cheney won’t just chase Donald Trump. She is going to work with Democrats and she is very specific about her targets. She is particularly upset at Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz.

There is hypocrisy, and then there is whatever I just saw watching that clip. You almost have to admire the brazenness Cheney displays. Cheney isn’t impartial or consistent in her approach.

She claims that Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley are somehow unqualified to be in office after they object to the certification of single states following the 2020 election. First, Liz Cheney does not determine who is eligible to hold office in the United States. It’s up to the voters to make that decision. And clearly, her respect for democracy is limited to her selfish, narrow-minded interests.

Normal Americans, who are not elite, care about the economy, inflation, foreign policy mistakes (of which Cheney was at the center), the border crisis, and the weaponization of government institutions including the House of Representatives. Cheney, however, doesn’t care at all about any of this and has chosen to build her entire political identity around the supposed “election-deniers” blight.

Here’s the thing. She doesn’t care about people who deny the election results. Two of her January 6th committee co-members have not only agreed with the illegitimate presidential claim (regarding George W. Bush or Donald Trump), but also voted to not certify the results after the 2004 and 2016 elections. They have never been condemned by Cheney. She has never condemned Hillary Clinton’s election denialism nor chastised Stacey Abrams. Why? Because she knows that donations will dry up if she does. She is dependent on those she claims to be against.

This sums up Cheney’s character perfectly. She is not a principled warrior seeking to get rid of anyone who questions the results of elections. Otherwise, she would be targeting people on both sides of each aisle. She’s more of a partisan hack who wants to rise with the ultimate goal to run a spoiler presidential election in 2024.

Cruz and Hawley were merely using legal means to oppose certification for reasons that they believed to be legitimate. This is exactly what Cheney’s friends did. Cruz asked for a formal investigation into voter fraud. It doesn’t really matter whether you agree with him or disagree. He did what was allowed by law. It wasn’t unusual and it is not disqualifying. Cheney’s hypocritical attacks on Cheney only prove that she is exactly what we suspected.


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