NEA Groomers Give Teachers Badges, QR Codes to Access Explicit Queering Sexual Education Materials


What’s the deal with the Left, children, and sex? That’s not what I mean. What’s the problem? Is it just to ensure that children are firmly sexualized and radicalized before they reach majority age and start running businesses, voting, and holding public office? Is it to legitimize their preferences and protect themselves from public backlash?

Although that question has been asked many times on this site, it is worth asking the Left: “Why do you sexualize children?”

Christopher Rufo tells the story about how the National Education Association and an affiliate in Hilliard (Ohio) have been trying to add more sex to teachers’ days. Rufo points out that badges were given to teachers and district staff. The code can be scanned to take one to the NEA LGBTQ+ Caucus site, which contains links to information on a wide range of sexual topics and techniques. I cannot enumerate them all here. Rufo’s piece contains the actual link contents. They are intended to be similar to a recipe in a cookbook. You are responsible for your actions.

After the parents of Hilliard raised concerns, ABC 6 Columbus reached out. The badges are worn by teachers to signal to LGBTQ+ students that the teacher is safe and that the student is safe. OK, so why is the QR code? While the cameras were on the scene, the district was quiet. Superintendent Dave Stewart explained later that the QR code was located on the badges and was only for adults.

The badges were given to teachers who asked by the National Education Association and Hilliard Education Association. The badge’s front is clearly visible and says “I’m here.” This is the intention of the badge, which is intended to convey safety and inclusion for all students.

The QR code at the back of the badge does not allow students to share it. It is instead provided by the NEA to adults who are interested in learning more about LGTBQ+ issues or supporting LGBTQ+ students. Teachers who chose to wear the badges understood that the links were meant for adults and not students. These resources are intended for the professional growth and personal development of teachers. Teachers were never required to have a badge or to access the resources via the QR code.

Professional development. Right. If you feel the need, click through Rufo’s graphic. Which profession can these tips be used to create?

Teachers were informed that the site’s information was not intended to be used for lesson plans. Any responses to the badge must be age-appropriate. They were also advised to use the QR code. Given a large number of students and teachers, how is the district going to enforce that? Are they even trying? Or was it a boilerplate CYA clause? It doesn’t answer the question of why the QR code must be within school property boundaries, however.

The QR code should have been sent to employees’ homes if the district felt teachers and staff needed this type of material. It is absurd that teachers or educators would need to be able to access this information on the job. Parents have made it clear that the school’s purpose is to teach children things like science, math, reading, and writing.

These items were once considered to be in the custody of school employees. This would have resulted in termination, escort out of the premises, and, depending on the situation, a conversation about local law enforcement. These links now exist in at least one school district thanks to the NEA. It remains to be asked why?

The post NEA Groomers Give Teachers Badges, QR Codes to Access Explicit Queering Sexual Education Materials appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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