Neighbor’s Video Shows, Kavanaugh Suspect Roske’s Home Gets Raided by FBI


A neighbor captured a new video showing law enforcement officers searching Nicholas John Roske’s California home. Roske was arrested Wednesday for the attempted murder of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

David Burgett tweeted, “Can’t believe that dude who wanted Brett Kavanaugh to die was my neighbor,” and he filmed the video from his driveway.

Burgett claimed he didn’t know Roske and his family because he “never spoke to them” and only saw them outside.

According to a criminal complaint, Roske, from Simi Valley in California, was carrying a gun and ammunition along with a knife, pepper spray, and a screwdriver.

Roske said to detectives that he was “upset” by the leak of a Supreme Court decision regarding the right-to-an abortion and the recent school shooting in Uvalde (Texas) and that he believed Kavanaugh would support Second Amendment decisions that would relax gun control laws, according to the affidavit.

Roske told police that he bought the gun and other items to help him “give his life purpose.” He also stated that he was looking for a way to kill Kavanaugh and himself. Roske confessed to the FBI in a second interview that he intended to kill Kavanaugh, and then himself, according to an affidavit supporting the criminal complaint.

Roske was charged by the Department of Justice with trying or threatening to kidnap and murder a U.S. Judge. A preliminary hearing is set for June 22.

Here is a video of Roske’s arrest:

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