New Study Shows Americans Are Following the Science on Number of Genders

AP Photo/Robin Rayne

Pride month has given the alphabet mafia and the rest of the left the opportunity to plaster a rainbow flag on everything and insist that there are as many genders as their addled brains can come up with. But a new study shows that a majority of Americans are not buying what the alphabet folk have to sell. The Public Religion Research Institute is a non-profit organization that surveyed 5,046 adults from all 50 states from March 9-23 about whether they believe there are only two genders. The results of this year’s survey were compared to data from 2021. The results show that the ideas of the militant transgender movement are increasingly out of touch with most Americans.

When asked in general if there were only two genders, 65 percent of those surveyed said they believe there are only two genders, up by six percent from 2021. Another 15 percent said they also believe there are only two genders, but do not have strong feelings about it. The poll got interesting when broken down by age group. The group that might be thought to have the most problem with the idea of just two genders, Gen Z (those born between 1995-2012) — that number actually rose to 57 percent, from 43 percent in 2021. Millennials (those born between 1980-1994) were up nine percentage points to 60 percent from the 2021 results. And not surprisingly, older Americans like Baby Boomers (1946-1964) and older (1925-1945) were the most likely to believe there are only two genders.

The survey was also broken down by racial groups. Among white and Hispanic Americans, two-thirds believe there are two genders. The group with the highest percentage that said there are just two genders was Black Americans at 70 percent, while 53 percent of Asian Americans said there are two genders. Education also determined what Americans believed about the gender binary. Higher-educated Americans apparently did include science and a bit of biology in that education: Those with a college degree came in at 58 percent agreeing that gender is binary, and post-graduates were at 53 percent, though the idea of more than two genders rose in both of those groups. As might be suspected, faith and religion also came into play. A large majority of Christians of several denominations believe gender is binary, while Jewish Americans remained, for the most part, unchanged from 2021 to 2023, with 44 percent believing gender is binary.

Beliefs along all political persuasions are not surprising, with 90 percent of Republicans saying there are only two genders, 66 percent of independents, and 44 percent of Democrats. Those percentage points rose in all three categories, at three percent from 2021 among Republicans, and six percent among both independents and Democrats. Another not-so-surprising category: those who identify as transgender, and those who know someone who is transgender, with just 40 percent saying they believe gender is binary. While the media likes to focus on parents who assist their children in transitioning from their biological sex, parents who were polled were more supportive of just two genders at 70 percent, while non-parents were a bit lower at 64 percent.

What might be the most interesting result of this survey is that 43 percent of those polled believe that young people are experiencing peer pressure to identify as transgender. There were 55 percent who disagreed with that notion, but the idea that kids are being pressured to transition may be backed by some evidence. A study published in April found that, of 390 parents who had taken their child to a clinic or transgender specialist, 51.8 percent of those parents said they felt pressured to transition their child either socially or medically. Could an idea behind Pride Month be, to make more Americans believe that all of this is perfectly normal? The more outrageous behavior young children witness, the more they will come to believe that it is all just a celebration of freedom, equality, and love.

The left has been telling Americans since 2020 that they must “follow the science.” Looks like that is exactly what Americans are doing.



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