Ron DeSantis Doesn’t Owe Anybody an Explanation for Groups He’s Not a Part Of


You’ve probably seen the huge media coverage of “Nazis”, who was seen posing in front of the Tampa convention center, where Turning Point USA was hosting its Student Action Summit. The incident was so significant that “The View” attempted to equate the attendees to Nazis. They did this every episode after being threatened by lawsuits by TPUSA.

One of the main points was Ron DeSantis, Florida Governor, didn’t speak out against the Nazis outside the convention center. This, according to the media, naturally implies that he is okay with them. This naturally leads to many lefties concluding that “DeSantis is working with Nazis.”

It’s absurd that DeSantis must automatically denounce everyone around him, regardless of whether they’re associated with it. This, and I raised a very obvious double-standard…

New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez apparently doesn’t have the same rules. AOC was asked by the press if she condemned domestic terrorist acts when Antifa celebrated violence at the border.

Her response?

There was no response.

.@AOC refuses to condemn the Antifa attack on the Tacoma ICE center; refuses to tell @TheRealKeean if her inflammatory comments about “concentration camps” radicalized the attacker.

— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) July 15, 2019

Let’s get to the bottom of this. AOC was asked to immediately condemn the terrorist attack by Antifa on government officials at the border. It was obvious to AOC who the attacker belonged and what his intentions were. AOC simply had to say, “Yes, I condemn it.”

She refused to. Yet, the media refused to go after her for this and no one on the left accused her of tacitly approving the Antifa attacks.

However, even though DeSantis wasn’t directly asked by the media and didn’t know that the Nazis existed until much later on, he is expected to denounce them or be with them.

This is lazy activist journalism by the left. It is absurd to expect someone to condemn every little thing without prompting. If this were the case, DeSantis might spend his time making statements and tweeting about the good things that have happened to him. It wouldn’t matter. He wouldn’t be believed by the left.

It is best to do the right thing, and not play their rigged game like DeSantis.

This is not the first time that the Florida Governor has been asked to answer for groups he doesn’t belong to. According to The Guardian, DeSantis was asked by the media earlier in the year to denounce a group neo Nazis.

A group of 15-20 protesters wore Nazi symbols and chanted antisemitic slurs on Saturday and Sunday along the North Alafaya Trail. Videos quickly spread across social media. They gave Nazi salutes and waved anti-Biden banners. One even got into an altercation with a driver.

Both Democrats and Republicans have expressed disgust at the protests. DeSantis didn’t publicly condemn the marchers until Monday at a press conference and then shifted blame to his political enemies.

“So what I’m going to say is these people, these Democrats who are trying to use this as some type of political issue to try to smear me as if I had something to do with that, we’re not playing their game,” he said.

DeSantis saw through it then, he sees through it now, and everyone else should get wise to the underhanded attempt to find new ways to name-call and accuse Republicans.

The post Ron DeSantis Doesn’t Owe Anybody an Explanation for Groups He’s Not a Part Of appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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