Rush Toward Green Energy Has Left US Incredibly Vulnerable To Summer Blackouts


This summer, power outages could be experienced in all parts of the United States due to a push by renewable energy sources to take older power sources offline.

“I think the whole country’s extremely vulnerable because the whole nation is facing an oil shortage and I don’t believe there are any safe places,” Daniel Turner, founder and executive director at Power the Future, told Fox News.

As grid operators struggle to cope with rising demand, blackouts could become widespread across the country this summer. This has been a problem in some states for years, and it could threaten large swathes.

Turner said that states are more at risk because they have been trying to shift to “green energy” sources.

Turner said that areas with inherent weaknesses in the country are the most worrying. This refers to areas where policies or political decisions have reduced their electric grid.

Many states have taken steps to reduce outage risk by switching to renewable energy sources.

There are many variables that can affect renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. There may be areas that don’t have enough sunshine or wind to generate electricity continuously. However, batteries could be used to store energy for later. The technology is expensive and still not fully developed.

This could make it more difficult for grid operators decide how to maintain the electric grid’s functionality when there is increased demand. Turner claims this is a mistake.

This summer can be particularly dangerous for the Midwest. It is less resilient to the rolling blackouts and brownouts that plague the West.

Illinois regulators warned of controlled outages this summer. In the midst possible heatwaves, one electric company sent customers a warning notice.

A letter from the Cooperative stated that a recent auction had revealed that the Midwest might not have enough generation capacity to handle the summer peak load under certain conditions. In the event that this happens, your Cooperative would be instructed by the Department to disconnect some of the load to avoid an electrical grid collapse.

Critics accuse Jay Pritzker, the Illinois Governor, of causing possible energy shortages. Jay Pritzker’s promise that Illinois would have 100% renewable energy by 2045 has resulted in a decline in traditional energy investments.

Turner stated, “If you take a look at any country, or any state in America, that has tried to push for green energy mandates through the government, not one of them has been successful.” It is possible to assess this on several levels. It refers to the actual output they claim or have purported to produce in terms of reliability, cost, electricity, or cost to consumers.

Michigan grid operators are also ready for blackouts this year. According to the Midcontinent Independent System Operator’s season evaluation, there was “capacity shortages both in the central and northern regions of MISO… putting these areas at increased risk of temporary, managed blackouts to maintain integrity of the bulk electric system.” NPR was informed last month by JT Smith, executive Director of MISO.

Michigan was one of those states that promoted renewable energy while simultaneously taking traditional plants offline. The Michigan Public Service Commission is currently considering taking two additional plants offline.

The state asked electric companies for action. They took to social media to appeal directly to customers to save the plants.

Dallas Braun, Thumb Electrical Cooperative General Manager posted Monday on Facebook that “Electric reliability and demand are at stake today.” Michigan regulators are soon to consider closing additional power plants in Michigan. Please join ME in reminding them that reliability is vital and they should not close these plants too early.

Joe Trotter, director for Energy, Environment and Agriculture Task Force at the American Legislative Exchange Council, stated last month to Fox News, that policymakers must be more aware of the implications of their decisions on constituents.

Trotter said that leaders should be conscious of their daily impact on their constituents. ”

Turner stated that outages are more likely for people who live in rural areas or poorer communities.

Turner stated that “They will decide which neighborhood goes into darkness.” “We have historically chosen poorer, often minority, neighborhoods to do this when it has been done in the past. ”

In states like California, power outages have a history thatdisproportionately affect poor neighborhoods. In 2019, a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood in Sonoma County was left without power for eight days. The residents were also left with food spoilage and a stretched budget.

One resident said that even though electricity wasn’t available, bills would.

“Look at whom they shut off. Have you ever heard a Kardashian complain? Turner said that they are fine and don’t get lost in the dark.

Turner stated that policymakers need to make trade-offs to transition to renewable energy sources. Turner argued that people suffering more is one of these tradeoffs.

He stated, “Just look and you’ll find which neighborhoods are off.” ” “Observe what happens in New York City, California, and New Mexico when there is no grid. This will show the views of our politicians regarding their constituents and what the green agenda means to our country.

Renewable energy sources are not a problem, argue some. They point out that climate change-driven heatwaves are causing grid stress beyond its limits, regardless of where the energy comes from.

Climate change is driving extreme heat, droughts, wildfires, and hurricanes that are overburdening America’s power grid,” Climate Nexus stated earlier. The study by North American Electric Reliability Corporation stated that “extreme temperatures, ongoing droughts, and other extreme conditions could cause significant disruption to the power grid in large parts of the country.” ”

The analysis noted that there was an “increasing pace of record-breaking meteorological events,” which it claimed contributed to climate change and the strain it places on the grid.

According to the analysis, fossil fuels are both a cause and an exacerbating factor in blackouts. These fuels are unreliable and expensive due to the deterioration of fossil infrastructure and wild market volatility.

Turner claims the switch to wind and solar energy will have minimal impact on the environment.

Turner said that the idea that they are green is laughable.

He stated, “It amazes my that when we look through this, all of the data is readily available, politicians continue to push renewable energies even though they have proven to be a failure.” ”

Turned said that the United States was the most environmentally-friendly country prior to the switch to renewable energy sources.

“All of us want clean air and clean water,” Turner said. He also stated that the United States is “the cleanest nation in all of the world.” Turner added that the switch from reliable energy sources would “pump whole neighborhoods into darkness.” ”

He pointed out other countries like Germany, which were more advanced than the U.S. in their switch to solar and wind. He claimed that there have not been any benefits for the German people from the switch to solar and wind.

Germany’s shift towards renewable energy has made it more dependent upon Russian natural gas to meet its energy needs. Germany also began to restore its coal plants. It also purchased energy from France, which produces more than 80% of its electricity by nuclear power.

Turner believes nuclear could be another solution for the U.S. but he points out there would be plenty resistance to a shift towards more nuclear energy.

“Nuclear” is the strongest option. Turner said that nuclear was the best solution. Nuclear is dangerous because of the fear campaign against it.

Turner said that a lot of the current crisis was due to the Biden administration. Despite President Biden’s renewed push for the country to become solar and wind-powered, this is still a problem.

As families cope with decades of high inflation, energy prices continue to rise. There is no hope of relief in the near future.

Turner stated that natural gasoline is trading at three times its normal price. It is ridiculous that coal prices are four times more than they should. These are all the results of Biden’s energy policies.

The conversion to renewable power has not been a priority for only the Democratic administrations. Texas, which is Republican-controlled, has experienced outages during a transition from wind power.

Texas was hit hard by last year’s severe winter storm. Many windmills that had been damaged were shut down in order to avoid freezing.

Turner said, “It is bipartisan stupidity.” Turner stated, “It’s bipartisan stupidity. ”

“There was no backup. Turner explained that Republican governors believed wind was all they needed for success.

Already this year, Texas has begun to show its vulnerability. Due to an increase in demand, the state had to tap its power resources this month.

Texas Grid Operators claim they have sufficient resources to provide electricity for the state in the summer months. Todd Staples, President of Texas Oil & Gas Association stated that there is “excess capacity available” when plants or renewables can power the grid. ”

Turner is however skeptical and believes that policymakers need to start pushing back against the green agenda.


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