Stacey Abrams Claims Fetal Heartbeats Are Medically False and Biologically a Lie at Student Forum in Atlanta


Georgia Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams made an inaccurate claim about fetal heartbeats during Tuesday’s student forum.

She said that she has no heartbeat after six weeks.

She said that it was a “manufactured sound” to convince women men have the right “to take over a woman’s body.”

Abrams is not a doctor and made these outrageous claims to answer a question regarding her plans to protect abortion rights if elected governor.

We should get rid of the bill. Abrams declared that the bill was morally unacceptable and should not be included in history.

Her claims are not medically valid.

An embryo may not have fully formed lungs by day 22. However, an ultrasound can detect the primitive heartbeat in an unborn baby as early as week 6.

The once-failed gubernatorial candidate has taken a pro-abortion stance in her revenge campaign against Gov. Brian Kemp. She said that she supports abortion “until death” under certain circumstances.

Abrams said Tuesday at Tuesday’s student forum, that supporters of abortion rights must speak louder.

Abrams stated that “we must stop whispering about the abortion rights under our covers and start speaking openly about it.” Abrams stated, “We must stop whispering about abortion rights under the covers and start talking about it openly.”

She stated, “If they’re able to take our vote, our right to control other bodies, they can also take the right not to choose our spouse.” They could also seize all of our civil liberties. You don’t think you are safe if you think so. They will be following you the next time they remove civil liberty.



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