Swalwell Compares Boebert To Mass Shooter Day After Highland Park Massacre


Eric Swalwell, a California Democrat, appeared to liken Lauren Boebert, his Republican colleague from Colorado to the suspect in the mass shooting in Highland Park in Illinois on Monday that left six dead and many others injured.

Swalwell tweeted the following Tuesday, appearing to be comparing the Highland Park, Illinois shooter who killed six and injures more than 30 people at a Fourth-of- July parade to Boebert. Swalwell posted a photo of Boebert with an AR-15 rifle and a photograph of Robert Crimo III on his congressional Twitter account.

Swalwell’s tweet could suggest that Boebert was the inspiration for the alleged shooter. This post was made one day after the massacre. Boebert stated to Fox News Digital that she understands Eric Swalwell’s reluctance to respect our Constitutional rights, and that he is trying to distract from his many political failures. But the only straight line is from Eric Swalwell down to Fang Fang up to the Chinese Communist Party.

Boebert said, “I will ensure that that line is drawn when we take over the House.” “Law-abiding gun owner won’t get disarmed and smeared every time a failed California presidential candidate gets into bed with a Chinese spy. He tries to blame us all for our conduct.”

On Monday, horror struck as gunfire broke out at the Highland Park Independence Day parade. This sent people running for their lives.

Nancy Rotering, Highland Park Mayor, stated to NBC’s Today that Robert Crimo III, the gun suspect in the fatal Fourth of July parade shooting, was legally obtained. The U.S. must now reexamine gun laws following the tragedy.

According to the Illinois mayor, she will wait Tuesday for prosecutors in her state to bring charges against the 22 year-old suspect accused of killing at most six people and injuring more than 30 others in Monday’s attack.

Rotering stated that “this tragedy never should’ve reached our doorsteps” and that everyone knows someone who was directly affected by it.

She also mentioned that she was Crimo’s Cub Scout leader when she was a child and described him as “just an ordinary little boy.”

It’s one those situations where you take a step back and then you ask yourself, ‘What’s the matter?’ Rotering stated. Rotering said.

Swalwell’s communications chief Jessica Gail claimed that FOX News Digital did not cover shootings in America. She wrote that if you weren’t killed or traumatized during a mass shooting, then “chances are that you didn’t think about going to a public function.”

The post Swalwell Compares Boebert To Mass Shooter Day After Highland Park Massacre appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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