The 15 Republicans Who Sold Us Out On The Senate Gun Bill


Some Senate Republicans voted along with Democrats to pass legislation that would have impacted the Constitution rights for Americans. This gave Democrats their victory in the gun control battle.

We reported the Senate passed the bill 65-33. These are 15 Republicans who sold us out and voted for the bill.

15 GOP yeas on the gun bill:


— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) June 24, 2022

Some did it because of retirement and they didn’t care much about our “votes” or “their careers”. Other people have been elected and/or won’t be reelected before 2026. They probably want us to forget about the violations of our gun rights.

PELOSI: “First thing tomorrow morning, the Rules Committee will meet to advance this life-saving legislation to the Floor. When the Rules Committee finishes its business, we will head immediately to the Floor. And we will send the bill to President Biden for his signature”

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) June 24, 2022

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (RINO-AK) is up in 2022 and Sen. Mitt Romney (RINO-UT) is up in 2024. They were already going to get primaried, although in Alaska they now have open primaries and the top four people go to the general election where they will have ranked-choice voting. So that likely helps Murkowski.

The bill now goes to the House. It is expected that it will be passed in the House on Friday.

Jennifer Van Laar was my colleague and explained to me that the bill contains some very concerning provisions. These include funding red flag state laws that could interfere with our due process rights.

Ironically, it passed in the Senate the day after Justice Clarence Thomas made a landmark gun rights decision. Democrats Joe Biden and NY Gov. also supported the motion. Kathy Hochul and Joe Biden lost their minds about concealed carry. Caniglia, v. Strom 2021 9-0 has already raised questions about red flag laws. It ruled against search and seizure in the absence of due process. Legislators may want to review that before they make a big deal.

These Republicans aren’t concerned about our rights or the Supreme Court. This is especially harmful when all the right should focus on defeating the Democrats in November and not melting in the sun to support the Democrats’ gun control goals. Republicans are enjoying record enthusiasm and hold the highest generic position on the Congressional election ballot in many years. If they keep their heads together and listen to their base, they’re well placed to take out the Democrats. These moves don’t help Republicans’ cause.

The post The 15 Republicans Who Sold Us Out On The Senate Gun Bill appeared first on Conservative Research Group.


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