This White House 4th of July Tweet Didn’t Age Well


Remember last year, when Twitter users mocked the White House for not letting Americans know that their 4th-of- July barbecue would be 16 cents cheaper than the previous year? The slight prick of rising costs was starting to show its head at the time. The official White House Twitter account tried to calm any worries with this hilarious tweet:

It is frustrating to look back on that tweet. It was obvious which direction the economy was heading at that time. Talking to our grandchildren about 2021’s summer may be like a return to the good times. According to the Farm Bureau

Based on a recent American Farm Bureau Federation market basket survey, Americans will pay $69.68 to get their favorite Independence Day foods. This includes cheeseburgers and pork chops, chicken breasts as well as homemade potato salad, strawberries, and ice cream.

A summer cookout for 10 is an average cost of $69.68. This works out to less than $7 per head. Due to ongoing supply chain disruptions and inflation, the overall cost of the cookout has risen 17%, or $10, over last year.

It’s not 17 cents; it’s 17%. Deviled eggs are a must-have at any summer barbecue. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics prices for eggs will rise 16.20% in 2022 compared to 2021. It is impossible to predict when the inflationary trend will stop. You might be wise to get Tom Turkey and put him in the freezer. It is impossible to predict the final cost of your Thanksgiving centerpiece by November.

The increased costs of traveling to celebrate with family and friends are not included in the calculation of food costs. The national average price of a gallon of gasoline increased by 48.7% over the past year, as of May. The weekly gasoline consumption rose to $110 as of June 11. Flying long distances to visit family for Christmas or Thanksgiving has been nearly 40% more expensive than usual.

This begs the question: When will the inflation spiral end? Biden was asked by a reporter at the NATO summit in Spain how long Americans can expect to pay more for fuel due to the war in Ukraine. He replied, “As long it takes.” However, not all of this increase was due to Putin’s invasion. It is more driven by the Biden administration’s green energy dreams. Price increases were evident before the Russian Army entered Ukraine.

Brian Deese, the Economic Council Director of Biden’s Economic Council, could not have been more clear if you don’t believe him. After Biden’s remarks, CNN’s anchor asked Deese about families that can’t afford $4.85 per gallon for months or even years. “What you heard today from the president was a clear statement of the stakes regarding the future of liberal world order. We must stand firm.”

You can go bankrupt to protect the borders of a corrupt oligarchy of eastern Europe. But the U.S. southern border may as well have to flash neon signs that say “Cross Here” at every possible entry point. Democrats are left wondering why Biden’s approval rating is below 40%, and their electoral future seems bleak.

The cost of all other commodities is determined by the price of energy. Biden’s administration refuses to take the necessary steps to increase the energy supply. French President Emmanuel Macron knew America isn’t drilling enough and called Biden on a hot mic. You can add that to the higher fertilizer costs because Russia and Ukraine have major world producers and orange could once more be a fancy stocking stuffer. If the Biden administration does not put Americans first, black-eyed peas (also known as Hoppin’ John) could be all that’s on the New Year’s Day table.


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